44 CHAPTER 1 Atoms and Molecules; Orbitals and Bonding
There are no reactions to speak of yet, but we have developed a
number of tools in this first chapter.
Lewis structures are drawn by representing each valence
electron by a dot. These dots are transformed into vertical arrows
if it is necessary to show electron spin. Exceptions are the ls
electrons, which are held too tightly to be importantly involved
in bonding except in hydrogen. These electrons are not shown in
Lewis structures except in H and He. Somewhat more abstract
representations of molecules are made by showing electron pairs
in bonding orbitals as lines—the familiar bonds between atoms.
The double-headed resonance arrow is introduced to cope
with those molecules that cannot be adequately represented by a
single Lewis structure. Different electronic representations, called
resonance forms, are written for the molecule. The molecule is
better represented by a combination of all the resonance forms.
Be very careful to distinguish the resonance phenomenon from
chemical equilibrium. Resonance forms give multiple descrip-
tions of a single species. Equilibrium describes two (or more)
different molecules.
The curved arrow formalism is introduced to show the flow
of electrons. This critically important device is used both in
drawing resonance forms and in sketching electron flow in reac-
tions throughout this book.
The formation of a bonding molecular orbital (lower in
energy) and an antibonding molecular orbital (higher in energy)
from the overlap of two atomic orbitals can be shown in an
orbital interaction diagram (Fig. 1.48). Electrons are represented
by vertical arrows which also show electron spin ( or ).
Remember that only two electrons can be stabilized in the
bonding orbital and that two electrons in the same orbital must
have opposite spins.
Reactions, Mechanisms, and Tools
New molecular orbital 2
New molecular orbital 1
Atomic orbital 1
Atomic orbital 2
FIGURE 1.48 The overlap of two atomic orbitals produces two
new molecular orbitals.
Here, and in similar sections throughout the book, we will take
stock of some typical errors made by those who attempt to
come to grips with organic chemistry.
Electrons are not baseballs. Nothing is harder for most stu-
dents to grasp than the consequences of this observation.
Electrons behave in ways that the moving objects in our ordi-
nary lives do not. No one who has ever kicked a soccer ball or
caught a fly ball can doubt that on a practical level it is possible
to determine both the position and speed of such an object at
the same time. However, Heisenberg demonstrated that this is
not true for an electron. We cannot know both the position and
speed of an electron at the same time.
Baseballs move at a variety of speeds (energies), and a base-
ball’s energy depends only on how hard we throw it. Electrons
are restricted to certain energies (orbitals) determined by the val-
ues of quantum numbers. Electrons behave in other strange and
counterintuitive ways. For example, we have seen that a node is a
region of space of zero electron density. Yet, an electron occupies
an entire 2p orbital in which the two halves are separated by a
nodal plane. A favorite question, How does the electron move
from one lobe of the orbital to the other? simply has no mean-
ing. The electron is not restricted to one lobe or the other but
occupies the whole orbital (Fig. 1.49). Mathematics makes these
properties seem inevitable; intuition, derived from our experi-
ence in the macroscopic world, makes them very strange.
It is easy to confuse resonance with equilibrium. On a mun-
dane, but nonetheless important level, this confusion appears as a
misuse of the arrow convention. Two arrows separate two entirely
different molecules (A and B), each of which might be described
by several resonance forms.The amount of A and B present at
equilibrium depends on the equilibrium constant. The double-
headed resonance arrow separates two different electronic
descriptions (C and D) of the same species, E (Fig. 1.29).
Constructing molecular orbitals through combinations of
atomic orbitals (or other molecular orbitals) can be daunting, at
least in the beginning. Remember these hints:
1. The number of orbitals produced at the end must equal the
number at the beginning. If you start with n orbitals, you
must produce n new orbitals. Here is a way to check your
work as it proceeds.
Common Errors
FIGURE 1.49 An electron occupies an entire 2p (or other)
orbital—it is not restricted to only one lobe.