104 Micro-and Nanomanufacturing
if a reaction can lower the overall energy of the system, then it is
possible for it to be energetically favorable to cause etching. In high-
pressure plasma reactors etching of Silicon, Si, is achieved using
Chlorine, C, and Fluorine F. After the reactions have taken place the
system must be at a lower energy; this is achieved because the radi-
cals (in this case F) are freely available and the bond energy between
Si and F is less than the bonding energy between Si and Si. In other
words it is energetically more favorable for the reaction to take
place. The reaction produces a SiF molecule resulting in an overall
net loss of Si; this is etching. A typical gas used would be CF4,
which will not etch silicon directly. F radicals are produced by ioni-
zation in the plasma. Other bonding groups in the system are Si2,
and SiF4. The Si substrate surface is coated with F, a bulk Si
atom is bonded to an Si surface atom which is itself bonded to two F
atoms, making SiF2. However, because it is bonded to the wafer it is
not free to move. An incoming F atom can replace the Si-Si bond
with SiF2, because Si already shares another surface F. The SiF2 then
leaves the surface and a small portion of Si has been removed. Al-
ternatively the incoming F atom could attach itself to SiF2, embed-
ded on the surface making SiFa, subsequently another F will join the
system producing SiF4, which will then leave the surface.
In the case of reactive ion etching a physical process for model-
ing the etching mechanism has been proposed. Chlorine gas in the
CI or CI2, can etch undoped silicon but only very slowly. N-
type doped silicon is etched spontaneously by CI, only. In the case
of undoped silicon, chlorine atoms migrate toward the surface and
chemisorbs. However, this does not break the Si-Si bond. Once a
layer of chlorine builds on the surface further absorption is pre-
vented by stearic hindrance. After a short time this surface becomes
negatively charged, in this case ionic bonding between the Si and CI
can occur. When this happens chemisorption sites are freed, thus in-
creasing the chances that CI atoms will penetrate the bulk and pro-
duce volatile SiCl. This process is dramatically enhanced by ion
bombardment, so areas subjected to ion bombardment etch much
faster than other regions and this produces anisotropic etch profiles.
However, the more heavily doped the substrate the more pronounced
the charging effect is. If reasonable etch rates are to be achieved then