Microfabrication Using X- ray Lithography 79
• Avoids thermal deformation caused by exposure heat;
• Increases photoresist development rate by step-wise elevated
exposure dose.
2.4.9Choice of Resist Substrate
In the X- ray lithography process, the primary substrate, or base
plate, must be a conductor or an insulator coated with a conductive
top layer. A conductor is required for subsequent electrodeposition.
Some examples of primary substrates that have been used success-
fully are Al, austenite steel plate. Si wafers with a thin Ti or Ag/Cr
top layer, and copper plated with gold, titanium, or nickel.
Other metal substrates as well as metal-plated ceramic, plastic,
and glass plates have been employed. It is important that the plating
base provide good adhesion for the resist. For that purpose, prior to
applying the x- ray resist on copper or steel, the surface sometimes is
mechanically roughened by micro grinding with corundum or other
abrasive media.
During chemical preconditioning, a titanium layer, sputter-
deposited onto the polished metal base plate (e.g., a Cu plate), is
oxidized for a few minutes in a solution of 0.5 M NaOH and 0.2 M
H2O2 at 65 ^C. The oxide produced typically measures 30 nm thick
and exhibits a micro rough surface instrumental to securing resist to
the base plate. The Ti adhesion layer may further be covered with a
thin nickel seed layer (-15 nm) for electroless or electroplating of
nickel. When using a highly polished Si surface, adhesion promot-
ers need to be added to the resist. A substrate of special interest is a
processed silicon wafer with integrated circuits. Integrating the x-
ray lithography process with semiconductor circuitry on the same
wafer will create additional x- ray lithographic applications. The
rear surface of electrodeposited micro devices is attached to the pri-
mary substrate but can be removed from the substrate if required. In
the latter case, the substrate may be treated chemically, or electro-
chemically, to intentionally induce poor adhesion. Ideally, excellent
adhesion exists between substrate and resist, and poor adhesion ex-
ists between the electroplated structure and the plating base.
Achieving these two contradictory demands is one of the main chal-
lenges in
ray lithography.