474 11 Precipitating Clouds in Extratropical Cyclones
outline of the frontal cloud in Fig. 11.22 follows the general outline of the large-
scale vertical motion field (indicated by the Q-vector convergence in Fig. 11.3b),
the overall pattern of precipitation (indicated by the light stippling in Fig. 11.22) is
somewhat more focused and mostly confined to the regions of vertical motion
associated with the surface cyclone and the major zones of active low-level fron-
togenesis (Sees. 11.2 and 11.3), namely the cold-frontal and warm-frontal zones.
As we have seen in previous discussions, these frontal zones merge and extend
into the region of the low center along the occluded front (Figs. 11.4, 11.16, 11.18,
11.19), and the precipitation pattern in Fig. 11.22 reflects this structure where the
cold- and warm-frontal precipitation regions join and extend in toward the low
center. Embedded within this general frontal precipitation pattern are various
smaller-scale features, the elongated ones being the rainbands. Within the rain-
bands are still smaller mesoscale regions of enhanced precipitation and convective
The categories of rainbands indicated in Fig. 11.22 include
warm-frontal, nar-
row cold-frontal, wide cold-frontal,
and surge rainbands, which occur within the
envelope of the general frontal precipitation pattern, and
warm-sector and post-
rainbands, which fall outside this region. The background precipitation
within the main envelope is primarily stratiform (i.e., consists of the type of
precipitation described in Chapter 6). The warm-frontal, wide cold-frontal, and
surge rainbands (discussed in Sees. 11.4.3-11.4.6) are enhancements of the basic
stratiform precipitation. An example illustrating this point is shown in Fig. 11.23,
which is a time cross section of vertically pointing Doppler radar data obtained
during the passage of a cyclonic storm similar to the one represented schemati-
cally in Fig. 11.22. Although four rainbands were embedded in the precipitation
(two warm-frontal bands followed by two wide cold-frontal bands), a basic strati-
form structure, with a well-defined melting band evident in the vertical gradient of
precipitation fall speed, extended continuously across the whole storm. The melt-
ing layer rose slightly as the warm-front portion of the storm passed and lowered
as the cold-frontal region went by. The basic vertical layering remained intact as
the rainbands passed over, indicating that the rainbands were enhancements of
the basic stratiform structure associated with the frontal system as a whole.
Although most of the rainbands superimposed on the main envelope of the
frontal precipitation pattern in Fig. 11.22 are enhancements of the basic stratiform
precipitation process that dominates the frontal system, one of these rainband
types is distinctly nonstratiform.
is the narrow cold-frontal rainband. As we will
see in Sec. 11.4.3, this type of band is a line of intense (sometimes forced rather
than free) convection associated with the density-current action of the low-level
leading edge of the cold front.
The warm-sector and postfrontal rainbands indicated in Fig. 11.22 are not
discussed as special topics below since they consist of clouds and precipitation of
types that are discussed elsewhere in the book. They often consist of lines of
convective showers or thunderstorms. As such, they are governed by the same
principles as other lines of convection already discussed in Chapters 8 and 9. In
some situations, postfrontal bands may be associated with a comma cloud, which