482 11 Precipitating Clouds in Extratropical Cyclones
narrow cold-frontal band, its most active region
upward motion is aloft, above
the front, and is only very indirectly connected with processes near the
surface. The wide cold-frontal band
appears to emanate from a layer aloft,
which is characterized by enhanced mean ascent.
In addition to enhanced mean ascent, the wide cold-frontal rainband contains
shallow convective generating cells (Sec. 6.2). The precipitation particles gener-
ated in these cells
thought to augment the general stratiform precipitation rate
at lower levels by the
mechanism, as they fall through the lower
layers of frontal cloud (Fig. 6.7). Figure 11.31 indicates almost no liquid water
present in the lower levels of the cloud of the wide cold-frontal rainband. An ice
particle concentration -
£-1 is large enough to indicate that some form of ice
enhancement (Sec. 3.2.6) was occurring here, as well as in the narrow
The particles were growing by aggregation
above the melting layer, as is usual
for stratiform precipitation (Sees. 6.1-6.3).
The wide cold-frontal band moves with the winds in the layer of enhanced
vertical air motion
generating cells. This motion is independent of the narrow
cold-frontal band, which moves with the surface cold front. The wide cold-frontal
band appears to be generated in a position similar to that shown in Fig. 11.31.
However, it
move faster than the front, sometimes ending up ahead of the
position of the front at the surface. As it moves forward in this way, the wide cold-
frontal rainband sometimes temporarily straddles the narrow cold-frontal band
(Fig. 11.32).
formation and movement of the wide cold-frontal band thus
suggest that while the frontal system provides a favorable environment for its
formation, its dynamics are somewhat separable from the frontal dynamics. In
this respect, the wide cold-frontal bands differ strikingly from the narrow cold-
frontal rainband, which is anchored to the dynamics
the cold front at low levels.
The time and space scales of the wide cold-frontal rainband are smaller than
the frontal system as a whole. Multiple wide cold-frontal rainbands
occur within the space and time domain of a single cold-frontal system (e.g., Figs.
11.22 and 11.23). Their essential dynamics are superimposed on the larger fronto-
genetical circulation. As suggested by Fig. 11.31, the enhanced mean ascent ap-
pears to be associated with a local, probably transient steepening
the frontal
slope.P? Whether the steepening
the front in this location is a cause or effect of
the rainband is
clear. That it could be the latter is suggested by the fact that
melting of the precipitation particles falling from an established
wide cold-frontal rainband cloud into the unsaturated air below the front could
introduce the horizontal gradient of heating into (11.64) that would locally en-
hance the frontogenetic circulation.
There is evidence
some wide cold-frontal rainbands are a manifestation
conditional symmetric instability (Sec. 2.9.1).309 This possibility is illustrated by
306 See Matejka et al. (1980) for details of the data obtained on the aircraft penetration.
307 The steepening of the slope of the front in the vicinity of wide cold-frontal rainbands has been
examined more recently by Locatelli
et al. (1992).
308 Locatelli et aI. (1992), however, take the position that it is cause rather than effect.
309 The possibility that rainbands in frontal systems could be manifestations of moist symmetric
instability was suggested by Hoskins (1974) and Bennetts and Hoskins (1979).