11 Precipitating Clouds in Extratropical Cyclones 439
surface and are characterized by predominantly convective clouds at some point
in their lifetimes. Comma clouds, such as the smaller cloud system to the west of
the main frontal cyclonic cloud system in Fig. 1.29, are the larger of the polar
lows, and they themselves may exhibit a surface low center and fronts, which are
the products of cyclogenesis and frontogenesis associated with a baroclinic wave
of especially short wavelength. Polar lows occurring farther from major frontal
cloud systems tend to be the smallest members of the spectrum and sometimes
appear to have a hurricane-like appearance (Fig. 1.30).
In this chapter, we focus on the clouds of extratropical cyclones (large frontal
cyclones, comma cloud systems, and smaller polar lows). We have already con-
sidered aspects
clouds in Chapters
and 6. In particular, we examined
the cloud streets, which form as the equatorward-moving cold-air stream of a
cyclone moves out over a warmer ocean surface (Figs. 1.11b, 1.30, and 5.21).
Although the individual clouds comprising the cloud streets may occasionally
precipitate, they are not the primary precipitation-producing clouds of the cy-
clones. Rather it is the broader bands of clouds with extensive cirriform cloud
tops, seen in satellite pictures such as those in Figs. 1.29 and 1.30 to be curling
around and extending outward from cyclonic storm centers, that produce most of
the precipitation in extratropical cyclones. In Chapter 6, we considered some
basic structural aspects of these larger, precipitating clouds. In this chapter, we
seek a dynamical and physical understanding of them.
Of all the cloud systems considered in this text, the precipitating clouds in
extratropical cyclones have the widest range of scales of phenomena contributing
to the cloud formation processes. The plan of this chapter is to proceed from the
largest of these scales to the smallest. On the largest scale, the dynamics of the
synoptic-scale baroclinic wave itself contribute to producing the clouds and pre-
cipitation, since it is the area of upward air motion within the wave that consti-
tutes the broad-scale region in which clouds can form. Therefore, we will begin in
Sec. 11.1 by considering the dynamics governing the vertical air motions of the
wave. We will see also, in that discussion, how the wind field in the baroclinic
wave favors the development of the low-level cyclone. In Sec. 11.2, we will
investigate how the vertical motions associated with the wave become concen-
trated in the vicinity offrontal zones by examining the dynamics offrontogenesis.
This discussion will serve to indicate the nature of the vertical circulation associ-
ated with the frontal zones that occur in a baroclinic wave.
is these vertical
circulations that are of primary importance in focusing the cloud formation pro-
cesses in the cyclone at the frontal zones. In Sec. 11.3, we will investigate how the
frontal zones, produced by frontogenesis, are distributed spatially within a devel-
oping cyclone, since this spatial pattern determines, to a first approximation, the
distribution of precipitating clouds in extratropical cyclones. Superimposed on the
clouds produced by the frontal air motions are still smaller mesoscale
and convection, within which the precipitation-producing cloud microphysical
processes are most concentrated. In Sees. 11.4 and 11.5, we examine this super-
imposed structure by reviewing the observed structure of clouds and precipitation
in extratropical cyclones. Sections 11.4.1 and 11.4.2 concentrate on the more