166 5 ShaUow-Layer Clouds
tively neutral conditions shows that all these profiles are unstable and that long
rolls are the preferred geometry of the most unstable solutions. The orientation of
the rolls depends on whether the profiles are due to speed shear or turning (Fig.
5.17). Pure speed shear leads to rolls perpendicular to the flow (Fig. 5.17a). These
are essentially Kelvin-Helmholtz billows. They have a characteristic wavelength
approximately twice the layer depth. Pure turning profiles (Fig. 5.17c) yield rolls
approximately parallel to the mean flow in the layer and have a characteristic
wavelength two to four times the layer depth.
is an interesting characteristic of the theoretical Ekman layer (Sec. 2.11.1)
that its velocity profile has an inflection point (Fig. 5.18). The inflection point
instability in the Ekman layer appears to produce disturbances which can grow to
finite size and come into equilibrium with the mean flow. The secondary roll flow
associated with an Ekman layer is illustrated in Fig. 5.19. The upward branches of
the rolls are conducive to supporting cloud lines generally parallel to mean flow in
the planetary boundary layerand may thus sometimes be responsible for organiza-
tion of stratocumulus, or small cumulus, into
cloud streets.
is doubtful that the inflection point shear instability alone accounts for cloud
streets. Usually there is also some degree of thermal instability in the planetary
boundary layer. When the boundary layer is heated from below, instability of the
Rayleigh-Benard type (Sec. 2.9.3) may arise. According to the instability crite-
rion (2.180), there is no preferred geometry of the convection in a stagnant basic
state. The convective overturning may be in the form of long rolls or symmetric
cells. However, the situation changes if the basic state of the unstable layer of
fluid is characterized by a horizontal velocity that changes with height. The con-
vective solutions then have a preferred geometry.
132 Specifically, they are in the
form of rolls parallel to the shear vector (Fig. 5.20).
We have also seen that when the thermal stratification is neutral, inflection
point instability rolls transverse to the shear can appear. The general case of a
thermally unstable and unstably sheared fluid layer has been considered theoreti-
cally.!" When the basic-state wind field for a layer heated from below is pre-
scribed to be a theoretical Ekman layer, Rayleigh-Benard rolls parallel to the
131 Long rows of clouds sitting atop the boundary layer were dubbed
by glider
pilots. Since the top of one of these cloud rows marks the top of an updraft, and the row extends
downwind, the cloud street encompasses the optimum combination of tail wind and updraft, which
allows a long glide to be achieved. In 1935, Dr. E. Steinhoff reported the first glider flight in cloud
streets. He left from Bayreuth in western Germany and finally landed in Brunn, Czechoslovakia, a
distance of over 500 km and exceeding the world record for that time. There he met three other glider
pilots, who had
accomplished the same feat. Cloud streets are described by Kuettner (1947, 1959,
1971). He noted in 1959 that although the glider pilots had become
of cloud streets,
priority of the discovery that the tedious circling technique in columnar thermals could be replaced by
a comfortable tailwind flight beneath the cloud streets must be given to the seagulls
who seem to
have enjoyed this technique for millions of
The observations of seagulls soaring was reported
by Woodcock (1942).
132 This effect was first noted when Benard tilted his cells in the laboratory.
133 An especially lucid account can be found in the series of articles of Asai (1964, 1970a,b, 1972)
and Asai and Nakasuji (1973).