138 5 Shallow-Layer Clouds
satellite pictures, which show wide expanses of high-cloud tops in both the tropics
and midlatitudes (e.g., frontispiece and Figs. 1.27-1.30). The propensity of layer
clouds at low, middle, and upper levels to cover great areas has a major impact on
the climate of the earth through the absorptive and scattering effects of these
cloud layers in the
radiation balance.
In examining the dynamics of layer clouds, we will begin in Sec. 5.1 with the
case of fog and stratus occurring under highly stable conditions, governed by the
mechanics of a stable boundary layer cooled from below (Sec. 2.11.2). We will see
that even when air is generally calm and stable, mixing by eddy motions is quite
important to the development and maintenance of fog and stratus. We will further
see that, as fog thickens, differential radiative heating can make the upper layer of
the fog less stable. Vertical mixing is thereby enhanced, and the cooling is shifted
aloft to deepen the fog layer or change the cloud from fog (in contact with the
ground) to elevated stratus. Once a layer of stratus has formed it produces green-
house heating effects below its-base. As examples of this type of fog and stratus
formation, we will examine briefly the life cycle of a nocturnal radiation fog over a
soil surface and the formation of widespread and persistent Arctic stratus, which
occurs as warm air from the south moves
the melting pack ice of the Arctic
Basin during summer.
After considering fog and stratus under essentially stable conditions, we pro-
ceed in Sec. 5.2 to the case of stratus and stratocumulus over a warm ocean,
where the boundary layer is so strongly heated from below that it is unstable and
convective and thus tends to be well mixed, governed by the dynamics of an
unstable boundary layer. Wind shear can provide a second source of mixing in
these more active boundary layers. In contrast to the stable case, in which the
cloud first appears as fog at the bottom of the boundary layer, the cloud stratum
appears at the top
the boundary layer when the strong convective mixing begins
to have upward plumes reaching above the lifting condensation level. The convec-
tive mixed layer continues to deepen as the plumes of convection push farther
upward and environmental air from above the boundary layer continues to be
mixed downward across the top
mixed layer. The cloud layer evolves into a
more or less continuous layer of cloud, which no longer depends so much on the
surface heating as on the differential radiative heating between the top and bottom
of the cloud layer to drive its turbulence. Mesoscale organization of the active
eddy motions resulting from various combinations of differential heating and wind
shear in the boundary layer can give the mixed-layer cloud sheet a spatial texture.
The cloud then takes on a discrete stratocumulus structure, in which the cloud
elements consist sometimes of rolls and sometimes of cells. When the mixing is
especially vigorous the elements
the cloud layer are more of the form of small
cumulus than stratocumulus. Sometimes they even achieve the size of small cu-
After considering the physics and dynamics of boundary-layer fog and stratus
and cloud-topped mixed layers, we will proceed to Sees. 5.3 and 5.4, where we
will examine shallow-layer clouds that occur well above the boundary layer (i.e.,
altostratus, altocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus). These cloud