4.1 General Characteristics of Meteorological Radars
ments made by transmitting and receiving at various polarizations. In Sees, 4.2-
4.4, we will examine the physical basis of the parameters
Z, and V
and how they
may be used in the analysis of precipitating clouds.
Most meteorological radars measure only the range and reflectivity. They are
noncoherent or conventional radars. A radar that is instrumented to deter-
mine the velocity of the target is called a
Doppler radar. A radar that provides
information on the polarization of the signal is called a
polarimetric or multiple-
radar. These radars generally operate at wavelengths A = 1-30 em,
with 3, 5, and 10 em being the most commonly used. Radiation at these wave-
lengths is scattered primarily by precipitation-sized particles, and the main use of
meteorological radars is for mapping and analyzing the precipitation field and its
associated physics and dynamics. Useful meteorological radar signals can also be
obtained at these wavelengths from strong turbulent fluctuations in clear air, chaff
particles intentionally introduced into the air, and insects. These data help deter-
mine the structure of the atmosphere surrounding and just preceding the occur-
rence of precipitating cloud systems.
Radar signals emitted at the shorter end of the 1-30-cm wavelength range are
sensitive to more weakly reflecting targets, and they do not require a large-diame-
ter antenna to focus the beam; however, they are subject to attenuation of the
signal in heavy rain. The lO-cm wavelength (S-band) is the shortest at which
attenuation by rain is essentially eliminated. However, the antenna required to
focus the lO-cm wavelength beam is very large (a parabolic dish about 8 m in
diameter is required for a 1° beamwidth), and the radar equipment is therefore
bulky and expensive. Nonetheless, primary land-based radar facilities are typi-
cally 10em in wavelength. Shipborne and airborne radars, on the other hand, tend
to be 5 em (C-band) or 3 em (X-band) systems because of space limitations.
Although satellite-borne meteorological radars have yet to be employed, they are
envisioned as having a wavelength of about 2 em
because of size
Iimitations." One must be cautious about the effects of attenuation when using the
data from these shorter-wavelength systems. However, when proper care is
taken, the data are useful.
Most meteorological radars have scannable antennas, which allow the radar
beam to be pointed in a specified direction. By continuously scanning in azimuth
and elevation, radars can obtain data in three spatial dimensions with high time
resolution throughout a volume of space surrounding the radar. Depending on the
size of the sector to be scanned, a set of three-dimensional data can be obtained
about every 2-10 min, although more rapidly scanning antennas will be used on a
few radars in the near
Most S-, C-, and X-band weather radars can detect
precipitation at horizontal ranges up to 200-400 km. However, quantitative mea-
surements can usually be obtained only within about 100-200 km
radar site.
Nonetheless, this capability allows precipitation to be mapped over mesoscale
regions and data are obtained with high resolution. Each radar pulse extends over
81 See TRMM: A Satellite Mission to Measure Tropical Rainfall, edited by Simpson
82 For example, see Joss and Collier (1991).