5.3 Cirriform Clouds 179
occurs in a dry adiabatic layer bounded by stable layers above and below. Vertical
air motions in the head are
1 m s
When the wind shear is in the sense shown in
Fig. 5.29, the head contains a cloud-free hole. Ice particles generated and carried
up to the top of the updraft are advected over the top of the hole. The fallstreak to
the left of the hole contains downdraft associated with evaporation and/or drag of
the falling ice particles. Evaporation of the particles continues as they fall through
the stable layer below the base of the head. When the wind shear in the layer of the
head is of the opposite sense, the hole and fallstreak are to the right of the updraft
column (Fig. 5.30a). When there is no wind shear in the layer containing the head,
the ice particles occur within the updraft, and downdraft occurs around the pe-
updraft (Fig. 5.30b). Two ideas on how new cirrus uncinus elements
could be generated by the older elements are indicated (Fig. 5.31). Either cooling
by evaporation causes turbulence in the stable layer, which in turn perturbs the
unstable layer above (Fig. 5.31a); or, because of the shear in the environment,
horizontal momentum transported downward in the downdraft produces conver-
gence at the bottom of the unstable layer on one side or the other of the downdraft
(Fig. 5.31b and c). In either case, a new cell could be triggered in the vicinity
older uncinus element.
5.3.3 Ice-Cloud Outflow from Cumulonimbus
As shown in Fig. 1.5, a layer of ice cloud often emanates from the upper levels of a
cumulonimbus cloud. This cloud layer may take the form of cirrus spissatus, if
thinner and patchier, or cirrostratus cumulonimbogenitus, if thicker and more
widespread. If the base of the cloud layer is in the middle etage, it may take the
form of altostratus cumulonimbogenitus.
simplicity, we will refer to these
phenomena as ice-cloud outflows from cumulonimbus. The dynamics of these
outflows can be analyzed theoretically by considering the air intruding into the
environment from the cumulonimbus to be laden with ice, uniformly buoyant,
isotropically turbulent, and flowing into a stably stratified environment (Fig.
This outflow is envisioned to undergo a two-stage process as it moves
In the first stage, the outflow undergoes a collapse similar to that of the wake of
a body moving through a stratified fluid (e.g., a submarine moving through the
oceanic thermocline). During the collapse, the wake is flattened and spread later-
ally by the environment (Fig. 5.33). The upper part of the outflow, being denser
than the environmental fluid, subsides, while the lower part of the outflow, being
lighter than the ambient air, rises. At the same time that this external collapse is
taking place, an internal collapse occurs, in which the turbulence in the plume is
147 The treatment of this problem follows Lilly (1988), who, 20 years after his landmark paper (Lilly,
1968), which established a theoretical framework for the radiatively driven boundary-layer stratus,
applied similar concepts to the turbulent layer of ice cloud emanating from the top of a cumulonimbus.
This section is based on his development of the problem.