5.2 Stratus, Stratocumulus, and SmaU Cumulus in Boundary Layer Heated from Below 169
covered areas. Cellular patterns are also frequently seen in the regions of subtrop-
ical stratocumulus west of continents, especially at locations where the cloud
sheets appear to be breaking up (i.e., reaching the last stage of the life cycle
indicated by Fig. 5.1l).
The cellular patterns seen in oceanic stratocumulus are of two types:
are walls of cloud surrounding open areas. They are envisioned as having
downward motion in the cell center. The cells at the downwind end of the cloud
streets in Fig. 5.21 are of the open type.
Closed cells are rings of open area
surrounding solid cloud. They apparently have upward motion in the cell center.
An example is shown in Fig. 5.22. Between the regions of open and closed cells,
radial arms of cloudiness called
actinae are sometimes found (Fig. 5.23).
A climatology of the occurrence of open and closed cells in the atmosphere is
shown in Fig. 5.24. In the low-cloud fields east of continents, cellular patterns
tend to occur over warm ocean currents, while west of continents they occur over
cool currents. The cellular patterns in any of these regions can occur as open cells,
closed cells, or coexisting open and closed cells. The open cells, however, are
statistically favored over warm water, while the closed cells are preferred over
colder water. These results suggest that open cells, probably often composed of
rings of cumulus and small cumulonimbus, are favored when heating from below
by surface sensible heat flux is dominant (Fig. 5.11b), while closed cells are more
stratiform and favored when radiative cooling from the top of a more continuous
cloud layer is the dominant mechanism responsible for the differential heating
The open and closed cells and actinae all have an intriguing, but possibly
deceptive, similarity to phenomena observed in Rayleigh-Benard convection un-
der laboratory conditions.!" In particular, the atmospheric cells sometimes ap-
pear to be roughly hexagonal. Although Rayleigh's linear theory predicts no par-
ticular horizontal shape, Benard actually observed hexagonal cells, and this tends
to be the preferred geometry of the cells when there is no shear. The hexagonal
case of the classical linear solution is illustrated in Fig. 5.25. The zero vertical
velocity isopleth is a circle with concentrations of upward (or downward) motion
in the center and compensating reverse vertical flow on the hexagonal periphery.
IJ6 For a discussion of the comparisons between laboratory convection and cloud structure, see the
review of Agee (1982).
Figure 5.19 Schematic of secondary roll flow in an Ekman boundary layer with mean wind
hodograph shown. (From Brown, 1983.)
Figure 5.20 Schematic diagram showing characteristics of thermal convection rolls in relation to
the basic flow. Dashed lines indicate the axis of the preferred roll convection. Broad arrow denotes the
phase velocity of the roll convection. (From Asai, 1972.)
Figure 5.21 Detailed view of cloud streets where cold air is flowing off a region of ice over the
Atlantic Ocean near the southern tip of Greenland (upper right). NOAA-7 visible wavelength satellite
photograph made at 1703GMT on 19 February 1984.(Courtesy of University of Dundee, Scotland and
A. Van Delden.)