8.3 Saddles 169
satisfies −μ < 0 < λ and f
(x, y)/r → 0 as r → 0. Then there is an > 0
and a curve x = h
(y) that is defined for |y| < and satisfies h
(0) = 0.
1. All solutions whose initial conditions lie on this curve remain on this curve
for all t ≥ 0 and tend to the origin as t →∞;
2. The curve x = h
(y) passes through the origin tangent to the y-axis;
3. All other solutions whose initial conditions lie in the disk of radius centered
at the origin leave this disk as time increases.
Some remarks are in order. The curve x = h
(y) is called the local stable curve
at 0. We can find the complete stable curve W
(0) by following solutions that
lie on the local stable curve backward in time. The function h
(y) is actually
at all points, though we will not prove this result here.
A similar unstable curve theorem provides us with a local unstable curve
of the form y = h
(x). This curve is tangent to the x-axis at the origin. All
solutions on this curve tend to the origin as t →−∞.
We begin with a brief sketch of the proof of the stable curve theorem.
Consider the square bounded by the lines |x|= and |y|= for > 0
sufficiently small. The nonlinear vector field points into the square along the
interior of the top and the bottom boundaries y =± since the system is
close to the linear system x
= λx, y
=−μy, which clearly has this property.
Similarly, the vector field points outside the square along the left and right
boundaries x =±.
Now consider the initial conditions that lie along the top boundary y = .
Some of these solutions will exit the square to the left, while others will exit to
the right. Solutions cannot do both, so these sets are disjoint. Moreover, these
sets are open. So there must be some initial conditions whose solutions do not
exit at all. We will show first of all that each of these nonexiting solutions tends
to the origin. Secondly, we will show that there is only one initial condition
on the top and bottom boundary whose solution behaves in this way. Finally
we will show that this solution lies along some graph of the form x = h
which has the required properties.
Now we fill in the details of the proof. Let B
denote the square bounded
by x =± and y =±. Let S
denote the top and bottom boundaries of
. Let C
denote the conical region given by |y|≥M |x| inside B
. Here we
think of the slopes ±M of the boundary of C
as being large in absolute value.
See Figure 8.4.
Lemma. Given M > 0, there exists > 0 such that the vector field points outside
for points on the boundary of C
∩ B
(except, of course, at the origin).
Proof: Given M , choose > 0 so that
(x, y)|≤
+ 1