190 Chapter 9 Global Nonlinear Techniques
into a collection of open sets, in each of which the vector field points in a
“certain direction.”
This is easiest to understand in the case of a planar system
= f (x, y)
= g (x, y).
On the x-nullclines, we have x
= 0, so the vector field points straight up
or down, and these are the only points at which this happens. Therefore the
x-nullclines divide
into regions where the vector field points either to the
left or to the right. Similarly, on the y-nullclines, the vector field is horizontal,
so the y-nullclines separate
into regions where the vector field points either
upward or downward. The intersections of the x- and y-nullclines yield the
equilibrium points. In any of the regions between the nullclines, the vector field
is neither vertical nor horizontal, so it must point in one of four directions:
northeast, northwest, southeast, or southwest. We call such regions basic
regions. Often, a simple sketch of the basic regions allows us to understand the
phase portrait completely, at least from a qualitative point of view.
Example. For the system
= y − x
= x − 2,
the x-nullcline is the parabola y = x
and the y-nullcline is the vertical line x =
2. These nullclines meet at (2, 4) so this is the only equilibrium point. The null-
clines divide
into four basic regions labeled A through D in Figure 9.1(a).
By first choosing one point in each of these regions, and then determining the
direction of the vector field at that point, we can decide the direction of the
vector field at all points in the basic region. For example, the point (0, 1) lies in
region A and the vector field is (1, −2) at this point, which points toward the
southeast. Hence the vector field points southeast at all points in this region.
Of course, the vector field may be nearly horizontal or nearly vertical in this
region; when we say southeast we mean that the angle θ of the vector field lies
in the sector −π/2 < θ < 0. Continuing in this fashion we get the direction
of the vector field in all four regions, as in Figure 9.1(b). This also determines
the horizontal and vertical directions of the vector field on the nullclines.
Just from the direction field alone, it appears that the equilibrium point is a
saddle. Indeed, this is the case because the linearized system at (2, 4) is