8.5 Bifurcations 181
We denote these roots by θ
and θ
+π , where we assume that 0 < θ
< π /2
and −π /2 < θ
< 0.
Note that the flow of this system takes the straight rays through the origin
θ = constant to other straight rays. This occurs since θ
depends only on θ ,
not on r. Also, the unit circle is invariant in the sense that any solution that
starts on the circle remains there for all time. This follows since r
= 0 on this
circle. All other nonzero solutions tend to this circle, since r
> 0if0<r<1
whereas r
< 0ifr>1.
Now consider the case a = 0. In this case the x-axis is invariant and all
nonzero solutions on this line tend to the equilibrium points at x =±1. In
the upper half-plane we have θ
> 0, so all other solutions in this region wind
counterclockwise about 0 and tend to x =−1; the θ -coordinate increases
to θ = π while r tends monotonically to 1. No solution winds more than
angle π about the origin, since the x-axis acts as a barrier. The system behaves
symmetrically in the lower half-plane.
When a>0 two things happen. First of all, the equilibrium points at x =±1
disappear and now θ
> 0 everywhere. Thus the barrier on the x-axis has been
removed and all solutions suddenly are free to wind forever about the origin.
Secondly, we now have a periodic solution on the circle r = 1, and all nonzero
solutions are attracted to it.
This dramatic change is caused by a pair of saddle-node bifurcations at
a = 0. Indeed, when −1 <a<0 we have two pair of equilibria on the unit
circle. The rays θ = θ
and θ = θ
+ π are invariant, and all solutions
on these rays tend to the equilibria on the circle. Consider the half-plane
< θ < θ
+ π. For θ-values in the interval θ
< θ < θ
, we have θ
< 0,
while θ
> 0 in the interval θ
< θ < θ
+π . Solutions behave symmetrically
in the complementary half-plane. Therefore all solutions that do not lie on the
rays θ = θ
or θ = θ
+ π tend to the equilibrium points at r = 1, θ = θ
or at r = 1, θ = θ
+ π. These equilibria are therefore sinks. At the other
equilibria we have saddles. The stable curves of these saddles lie on the rays
θ = θ
and θ = π + θ
and the unstable curves of the saddles are given by
the unit circle minus the sinks. See Figure 8.9.
The previous examples all featured bifurcations that occur when the lin-
earized system has a zero eigenvalue. Another case where the linearized system
fails to be hyperbolic occurs when the system has pure imaginary eigenvalues.
Example. (Hopf Bifurcation) Consider the system
= ax − y − x(x
+ y
= x + ay − y(x
+ y