Projected and mixed phase diagrams
10.1 Schreinemakers’ projection of potential phase diagrams
Another method of reducing the number of axes is based on projection. By projecting all
the features onto one side of the phase diagram, one will retain all the features, but the fea-
tures of the highest dimensionality will no longer be visible because the dimensionality of
a geometrical element will decrease by one unit by projection and they may thus overlap
each other and also overlap features of the next-higher dimensionality. As an example,
Fig. 10.1(b) shows a P, T diagram obtained by projection of Fig. 8.11 (shown again as
Fig.10.1(a))inthe µ
direction. Such a P, T diagram is called Schreinemakers’ projection
[16]. In a system with c components it is obtained by projecting in the directions of c − 1
axes. It will show invariant equilibria with c + 2 phases as points, univariant equi-
libria with c + 1 phases as lines and in the angles between them there will be surfaces
representing divariant equilibria with c phases. Using a short-hand notation developed
by Schreinemakers, the coexistence lines for c − 1 phases are here identified also by
giving in parentheses the phases from the invariant equilibrium which do not take part.
Forexample, the (α) curve represents the α-absent equilibrium, i.e. β + γ + δ.Bycom-
parison with Fig. 10.1(a) it can be seen that the angle between (α) and (β)iscovered
by the γ + δ surface but also by the α + δ surface which extends to the (γ) line and by
the β + γ surface which extends to the (δ) line. The α one-phase field covers the whole
diagram and the other one-phase fields each cover part of it.
Suppose we have a binary system with five phases, denoted 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. An invariant
equilibrium would have four phases. Suppose the system shows two such equilibria and
by giving the absent phase they may be denoted (1) and (5). The complete phase diagram
would have three dimensions (same as for a one-phase field). Projection would give just
one of the diagrams shown in Fig. 10.2 but by presenting two diagrams obtained by
projection in slightly different directions as a stereographic pair one can preserve the
three-dimensional information. It is thus evident that the apparent intersection between
the lines (1, 4) and (5, 3) is not an intersection in three dimensions. Therefore, it does
not represent an invariant equilibrium.
T, P diagrams obtained by projection are particularly useful for multinary systems and
are obtained by projecting in the direction of all the independent chemical potentials. We
shall return to such diagrams in Section 10.5 but first we shall consider simpler cases.
In a projected diagram one sometimes includes a series of parallel sections drawn
with thinner lines. Such lines may be called equipotentials (or isotherms or isobars when