226 Projected and mixed phase diagrams
Consult the Tables 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.
represents µ
/T which may be combined with −1/ T , −P, and z
(according to
fifth row in Table 9.2)oru
(according to fifth row in Table 9.3). Of course, −1/T could
be replaced by T.
10.8 Konovalov’s rule
The rule that two one-phase fields are separated from each other by a positive distance,
when the proper molar quantity is introduced instead of a potential, was described in
Section 9.1. That rule is not as trivial as it may appear. It was discovered experimentally
by Konovalov [20]when measuring the vapour pressure of liquid solutions of water and
various organic substances under isothermal conditions. He established that, compared
with the solution, the vapour contains a higher relative content of that component which,
when added to the solution, increases the total vapour pressure. In addition, he found
two cases with a pressure maximum and realized that the liquid and vapour must have
the same composition at such a point. A case of this type is shown in Fig. 10.25, and it
is evident that it is simply due to the fact that the molar quantity which is used, here z
replaces a potential whose axis happens to be parallel to a line tangential to the linear two-
phase field in the potential diagram. Except for that, the system has no unique properties
at this point. The point is sometimes called a singular point and the equilibrium under
this special condition is called singular equilibrium.
Figure 10.26(a) shows a three-dimensional diagram for the same kind of system but
including both temperature and pressure axes. It was presented in Fig. 8.23 and it was
then concluded that an extremum in P at constant T must lead to an extremum in T at
constant P. The corresponding diagram, where z
has been introduced instead of µ
shown in Fig. 10.26(b) and it confirms that the two phases have the same composition at
the point of extremum considered. In fact, there is a whole series of such points, marked
as a dotted line. This is the locus of points of tangency for tangents parallel to the µ
or z
axis. That line represents a singular equilibrium and could be included in the T, P
diagram, obtained by projecting in the µ
(i.e. z
) direction, Schreinemakers’ projection.
The line representing singular equilibrium is called a singular curve. Singular equilibria
will be further discussed in Sections 12.6 and 13.7 to 13.9.
A major difference between univariant lines and singular curves should be noted. A
univariant line shows exactly where a particular univariant equilibrium occurs. A singular
curve shows the maximum extension of a divariant equilibrium which is otherwise not
shown in the diagram. It would thus be wise to indicate on what side of a singular curve
the particular equilibrium exists. This is done in Fig. 10.27,which is a projection of
Fig. 10.26.