10.5 Projection of higher-order invariant equilibria 219
Figure 10.16 See Exercise 10.8.
the coincidence of lines in a projected potential phase diagram to the positions of the com-
mon phases in the space formed by the molar quantities has been called the ‘coincidence
theorem’ [19]. The theorem can be generalized as demonstrated by the following exam-
ple. Suppose that two of the points, α and δ,inthe left-hand picture of Fig. 10.15 coincide.
Then δ, α and γ fall on a line, and lines (β) and (ε)inFig.10.14 should coincide. However,
β, δ and α would also fall on a line, and lines (γ) and (ε)inFig. 10.14 should also coin-
cide. As a consequence all three lines, (β), (γ) and (ε), should coincide. It is thus possible
to generalize the coincidence theorem as follows. Consider a two-dimensional projection
of an r-dimensional potential diagram. It may have an invariant equilibrium involving
r + 1 phases. From this point, r + 1 univariant equilibria, each with r phases, radiate. The
theorem concerns the positions of the phases in the (r − 2)-dimensional space formed
by the molar quantities conjugate to the projected potentials. If t of the phases fall in a
(t − 2)-dimensional section through that space, then all the univariant equilibria, which
contain the t phases, coincide in the two-dimensional projection. There would be
r + 1 − t such equilibria.
Exercise 10.8
Figure 10.16 is part of the potential phase diagram for the Fe–Si–O system, showing the
five-phase equilibrium, metallic melt (met), liquid melt (L), w¨ustite (w), fayalite (fay)
and gas (gas). Use the information in the diagram to decide how the composition of L
falls relative to the other phases.
By extrapolating the lines we find that our case corresponds to case (b) in Fig. 10.14 with
L identified as α. Our diagram can be regarded as obtained by projecting the fundamental
potential diagram in the directions of P, µ
and µ
, leaving T and µ
as axes in our
diagram. The first projection produces a complete potential phase diagram and, since
we are interested in comparing compositions, we shall regard P as subjected to the
first projection. We should thus write the Gibbs–Duhem relation as dP = (S/ V )dT +
/V )dµ
. The conjugate variable to the next two potentials to be projected would
thus be N
/V and N
/V . They should appear in our diagram as in Fig. 10.15(b).