506 Index
Ni–O–Be 276
non-configurational 420, 421, 432
non-equilibrium 3
non-equilibrium state 3
non-hydrostatic stress 6
non-random solution 479
non-spherical interface 350
non-stoichiometric 282
notation 63
for derivative of G
for determinant 178
for matrix 301
for partial quantity 63
for univariant equilibrium 205
Nowotny 203
nucleation 351
nucleation of pore 422
nucleus, critical 357
number-fixed frame 101, 380
off-diagonal 121
Onsager 82, 95, 104
Onsager’s extremum principle 386, 396, 398
Onsager’s reciprocal relation 383
opalescence 483
open system 2, 7
order parameter, generalized 339
order, variable 469
order–disorder transformation, magnetic 434
order–disorder transition 324, 471
ordering, in interstitial solution 490
oscillator 425
Ostwald ripening 61, 351
overall composition 438
overlapping 185, 213
overlapping gradual transformation 257
overlapping phase fields 304
overlapping sharp transformations 257
pair energy 477
pair of conjugate variables 21, 28
pair-wise interaction 456
Palatnik 194
Pan 61
paraequilibrium 311
parallel tangent construction 357, 367
paramagnetic 430
partial chemical equilibrium 311
partial derivative 63
partial derivative, notation for 37
partial equilibrium 302
partial excess Gibbs energy 446
partial ideal entropy 442
partial molar Gibbs energy 126
partial molar volume 71, 101
partial pressure 415
partial quantities, relations of 65
partial quantity 63
partial quantity of mixing 443
partial volume, role for inclusion 356
partition coefficient 233
partition function 50, 420
partitional transition 325
partitioning of alloy element 320
partitionless phase transformation 375
partitionless reaction 374
partitionless transformation 144, 302, 308
partitionless transition 325
Pb–Sn, phase diagram 200, 224
Pb–Sn, solid solution 141
pearlite 275, 283, 287, 317, 319
pearlite, formation of 291
Pelton 455
peritectic 262
peritectoid transformation 262
perpetuum mobile 13
phase 76
phase assemblage 285
phase boundaries, direction of 233, 234
phase boundary 193
allotropic 235
direction of 240
retrograde 248
slope of 249
vertical 248
phase diagram 2
phase diagram, dimensionality of 209
phase diagram, true 224
phase equilibrium, at interface 346
phase equilibrium, coherent 371
phase field 163
phase field rule 169, 208, 220
phase field rule, at fixed composition 279
phase field, dimensionality of 164, 208
phase transformation in alloys 261
phase transformation
adiabatic 303
allotropic 236
character of 257
class I, II, III 264, 283
phases with variable order 469
phenomenological coefficient 100, 379, 386
phenomenological equation 81, 102, 104
physical model 408, 410, 411
pile-up 145
Planck constant 377, 417, 425
point of reference 27
positive definite 82
potential 3, 21, 47
potential difference 253
potential phase diagram 155, 162
potential phase diagram, complete 168