12.2 Characterization of phase transformations 257
then observe on gradually increasing µ
? One could expect to observe the sharp trans-
formation α → γ, followed by γ → β but also a direct transformation α → β.Wemay
regard this as a case of overlapping sharp transformations.
Let us next replace µ
by z
and still assume that T can be chosen and controlled in such
away that the section goes right through the three-phase equilibrium, in this case right
through the three-phase horizontal in Fig. 12.2. The lower part of that figure would then
show an α + β + γ region instead of the three regions, α + γ, γ and γ + β.For three
phases the phase field rule would now give d = c + 2 − p − n
+ n
= c + 2 − 3 −
c + 1 = 0 yielding the incorrect prediction of a three-phase point instead of an extended
In order to understand this puzzling result one should remember that a transformation
can never be sharp when taking place under a gradual change of a molar quantity. If the
phase field rule gives d = 0 for a molar axis, the interpretation must be that it is practically
impossible to carry out such an experiment. It thus corresponds to the improbable case
of d =−1 for a potential axis. We may conclude that, if a molar quantity is varied,
d = 0 predicts overlapping gradual transformations (in the present case α → β or
α → γ followed by γ → β). However, it is as unlikely as the case of overlapping sharp
transformations for d =−1.
It is evident that the only way to get a sharp transformation is to vary a potential.
Usually this is T and one keeps P and the composition constant, n
= c and n
= c − 1.
Using Eq. (10.6)wefind that the sharp transformation will then occur when 0 = d =
c + 2 − p − n
+ n
= c + 2 − p − c + (c − 1) = c + 1 − p, i.e. p = c + 1.
If p = c + 2 under the same conditions, one would obtain d =−1, i.e. overlapping
sharp transformations. The present discussion thus results in two schemes for the char-
acter of phase transformations. When a potential is varied gradually we obtain
for d =+1: gradual transformation
for d = 0: sharp transformation
for d =−1: overlapping sharp transformations.
When a molar quantity is varied gradually, we obtain
for d =+1: gradual transformation
for d = 0: overlapping gradual transformations.
In a sharp transformation (i.e., d = 0 and a potential is varied) the fractions of the phases
(i.e. the extent of the transformation) are not fixed by the value of the changing variable.
This is why the corresponding state of phase equilibrium is sometimes called ‘indifferent’
[23]. On the other hand, the compositions of all the phases are fixed. This is why any
sharp transformation is sometimes called ‘azeotropic’ although that term is usually
reserved for the case with an extremum discussed in connection with Konovalov’s rule in
Section 10.8. Cases with an extremum have been neglected in the present discussion but
will be further discussed in Sections 13.7 to 13.9.
In addition, overlapping sharp transformations (i.e., d =−1 and a potential is varied)
are sometimes called ‘indifferent’, because the extent of transformation is not fixed. In
that case, however, there is more than one transformation and their relative progress is
also not fixed.