268 Sharp and gradual phase transformations
L +α L
Figure 12.14 Schreinemakers’ P, T diagram corresponding to Fig. 12.13. The univariant line
changes character at the black point. That is where the singular curve originates and there is a
compositional degeneracy in that point. The α phase does not take part in the reaction there.
In order to simplify the construction, it was here assumed that the β + L equilibrium is
not affected by P but an increased P will increase the stability of α. Lines for equilibrium
with α are presented for three P values. With the lowest P value, P
, the α + β + L
equilibrium is of the peritectic type. With the highest P value, P
,itisofthe eutectic
type and the intermediate P value, P
, shows the transition where α does not take part
in the transformation of L to β. That will give a singular point on the univariant line for
α + β + LinFig.12.14 and that is where the singular curve for β + L starts.
At lowP (to the left of the transition point in Fig.12.14)analloyof suitable composition
would transform by L +α → β on the univariant line if its composition is such that it
reaches the three-phase horizontal in Fig. 12.13 on cooling. Otherwise, it wouldtransform
by L → β at lower T. That would happen if the composition is to the right of the L point
for P
in Fig. 12.13.Inany case, the transformation L → β would be completed at or
before the point of minimum in Fig. 12.13, i.e. the singular curve in Fig. 12.14.Athigh
P (to the right of the transition point) an alloy of suitable composition would transform
by L → α + β on the univariant line. That would happen for compositions on both sides
of the L point for P
in Fig. 12.13,but usually after a proeutectic precipitation of α or
β.Ifthe liquid alloy can be undercooled by α not nucleating, it may solidify by L → β
according to the part of the L +β phase field below the eutectic temperature. The lowest
temperature of solidification by L → β according to the phase diagram is again the
minimum. However, this part of the L + β phase field is only metastable at P
. That is
why the singular curve in Fig. 12.14 has been drawn with a dashed line to the right of
the transition point.
Figure 10.3 illustrated a congruent point in a ternary system and it was concluded
that the position of such points could also be illustrated by a line in Schreinemakers’
projection. The name ‘doubly singular’ was proposed. Such a curve can originate from a
transition point on a singular curve, much in the same way as the singular curve originates
from a univariant line. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.15 where an invariant equilibrium
is also included. The L +β + γ surface covers the area between the (α) and (δ) lines.
However, to the left of the singular point L/(β + γ) that surface, when coming from the
(α) line, will overshoot the (δ) line, reach the singular curve and then bend back and
end up on the (δ) line. If the composition is suitable, then the alloy will not transform by