proportions of a and (3 will also vary from EFIEB at 183°C to E'JIE'H
at 100
C. In the same way, provided we assume that the structure cooled
slowly enough to allow the primary dendrites of (3 to reach a uniform
composition F, these dendrites will now alter in composition to / at
and in so doing precipitate some a of composition H in order to
adjust their own composition. The a precipitated will join that already
present in the eutectic.
(b) If the alloy contained, say, 95% lead, and was cooled slowly
enough to prevent coring, solidification would be complete at P and a
uniform solid solution |3 would result. On continuing to cool slowly,
further solid changes would begin at Q with the precipitation of small
amounts of a at the grain boundaries of the (3. This a would increase in
amount as the temperature fell, and the |3 became progressively poorer
in tin. Hence the final structure would consist of crystals of uniform (3
containing about 98% lead with small amounts of a precipitated at the
crystal boundaries.
(c) If the original alloy contained more than 98% lead and was cooled
slowly, the structure would remain entirely
throughout, after its solidi-
fication had been completed at R.
9.63 In actual practice it is unlikely that cooling would be slow enough
to prevent some coring from taking place. Since the initial |3 dendrites
would then be relatively rich in lead, this could lead to the formation of
small amounts of a at the (3 grain boundaries in (c) and more than the
expected amount of a in (b). In case (c) this a would be absorbed on
annealing. 'Solution annealing' is an important process used in the treat-
ment of many alloys to absorb some constituent which has been precipi-
tated due to coring. After treatment the alloy will be soft and ductile and
able to receive cold-work. Solution annealing is also an integral part of
most strengthening processes based on precipitation hardening, the prin-
ciples of which will be discussed later (9.92).
Case V—A system in which a peritectic
transformation is involved
9.70 Sometimes in an alloy system two phases which are already present
interact at a fixed temperature to produce an entirely new phase. This is
known as a peritectic transformation. The term is derived from the Greek
which means 'around', since, during the transformation process, the
original solid phase becomes surrounded or coated by the transformation
product. Frequently one of the interacting phases is a liquid though this is
not a precondition and sometimes two solids will take part—albeit very
slowly—in a peritecto/d transformation. A peritectic transformation occurs
between the phase 6 and the remaining liquid (producing austenite) in
the iron-carbon system (11.20) but here we will consider the peritectic
transformation which takes place in the platinum-silver system, part of
which is shown in Fig. 9.14.