We have dealt here only with equilibrium diagrams of the simple funda-
mental types. Many of those which the reader will encounter are far more
complicated and often contain such a multitude of different phases as
almost to exhaust the Greek alphabet. This is particularly true of equilib-
rium diagrams which represent those copper-base alloy systems in which
a number of intermetallic compounds are formed and in which peritectic
reactions are also common. In general, we are interested only in those
parts of the diagram near to one end of the system, where we usually find
a solid solution with, possibly, small amounts of an intermetallic com-
pound. The interpretation then becomes much simpler, and the reader has
been provided with sufficient information in this chapter to deal with most
of the alloy systems likely to be encountered.
Rapid Solidification Processes (RSP)
9.110 It was explained earlier (3.18) that the crystal size present in a
casting is dependent upon the rate at which the metal is cooling when it
reaches the solidification temperature. Large castings cool at a slow rate
of the order of l°C/s and will contain crystals of average grain diameter in
the region of 5 mm. However with very rapid cooling rates of approxi-
mately 10
C/s the crystal size will be no more than 10~
mm, whilst if the
cooling rate is increased further to 10
C/s a completely amorphous struc-
ture can be retained with some alloys. That is, the structure is non-
crystalline and similar to that of glass.
9.111 The refinement—or elimination—of grain attendant upon RSP
may also produce the following structural changes:
1 The effects of minor segregation (3.41) are reduced since the same
amount of impurity is spread over a vastly increased area of grain boun-
dary so that its effect is 'diluted'. In amorphous structures segregation
will be virtually eliminated since grain boundaries are absent. In either
case greater homogeneity is achieved.
2 Rapid cooling can greatly extend the limits of solid solubility by introduc-
ing increased supersaturation. This can enhance precipitation hardening.
3 Some phases may be retained at ambient temperatures which could not
be obtained by orthodox quenching methods.
Reduction in crystal size and the consequent reduction in minor segre-
gation result in much higher strength, Young's modulus and in resistance
to corrosion (21.70); whilst magnetic properties can be improved in suitable
alloys. With some aluminium alloys the amounts of iron, manganese,
cobalt and nickel can be increased because more of these elements will be
retained in solid solution, due to rapid solidification, and so increase
strength. Improved properties of rapidly solidified superalloys of both
nickel and chromium as well as of titanium alloys are reported; whilst
amorphous alloys of iron, silicon and boron are very suitable for use in
transformer cores since they show an extremely low remanence (14.35)
and hysteresis loss.