C the remaining liquid will be of composition E. This liquid will then
crystallise out as eutectic. Similarly if the overall composition of the initial
liquid mixture were given by Y then some cadmium would solidify first until
the remaining liquid were of composition E. Eutectic would then form as
before, ie as alternate layers of pure bismuth and pure cadmium. The
mechanism of this type of crystallisation will be discussed more fully in the
next chapter (9.40).
8.41 In a eutectic of two pure metals there is no question whatsoever
of solution, since the layers of the pure metals forming the eutectic can be
seen quite clearly under the microscope, at magnifications usually between
100 and 500, as definite separate entities. The formation of the eutectic is
therefore a result of insolubility being introduced when the alloy solidifies.
At this point it must be admitted that it is very doubtful whether com-
plete insolubility exists in the solid state in any alloy system. There is nearly
always some solid solubility however slight it may be. However, if the two
metals in question are partially soluble in each other in the solid state, we
may still obtain a eutectic on solidification, but it will be a eutectic
composed of alternate layers of two saturated solid solutions. One layer
will consist of metal A saturated with metal B, and the other a layer of
metal B saturated with metal A. This statement may at first cause some
confusion in the mind of the reader, but it must be understood that the
two layers are not one and the same as far as composition is concerned,
since one layer is rich in metal A and the other is rich in metal B. Consider
as a parallel case in liquid solutions the substances water and ether. If a
few spots of ether are added to a test-tube nearly filled with water and the
tube shaken, a single solution of ether in water will result. If, on the other
hand, a few spots of water are added to a test-tube nearly filled with ether,
and the tube shaken, a single solution of water in ether will result. When,
however, we put into the test-tube equal volumes of ether and water and
again shake, we find that we are left with two layers. The upper layer will be
ether saturated with water, and the lower layer will be water saturated
with ether. The upper layer is a solution containing most of the ether, and
the lower layer a different solution containing most of the water. We have
a similar situation in the case of metallic solid solutions, in that one phase
of a eutectic may be a solid solution rich in metal A and the other phase
a solid solution rich in metal B.
8.42 Not all eutectics, whether of pure metals or solid solutions, appear
under the microscope in the well-defined laminated form mentioned above.
Usually layers of one of the phases are embedded in a matrix of the other
phase, and quite often these layers are broken or disjointed. Fig. 17.2 illus-
trates the aluminium-silicon eutectic structure in which the thinner silicon
layers (the eutectic mixture contains only 11.7% silicon) are broken into
plate form and are embedded in an aluminium matrix. This is indeed fortu-
nate since silicon is brittle and if present as continuous layers would seriously
impair the properties of this very useful alloy.
Again, surface tension may influence crystallisation and the final eutectic
may consist of globules of one phase embedded in a matrix of the other.
The effect of surface tension will be accentuated by slow rates of cooling