metal are overcome. The remaining 10% of mechanical energy used is
stored in the material as a form of potential energy. The bulk of this—
about 9% of the energy originally used—is that associated with the number
of dislocations generated. These have energy because they result in distor-
tion of the lattice and cause atoms to occupy positions of higher-than-
minimum energy. The remaining potential energy (1% of the energy
originally used) exists as locked-up residual stresses arising from elastic
strains internally balanced.
The increased-energy state of a cold-worked metal makes it more chemi-
cally active and consequently less resistant to corrosion. It was suggested
earlier in this chapter that as deformation proceeds dislocations will tend
to pile up at crystal boundaries. Consequently these crystal boundaries will
be regions of increased potential energy due to the extra micro-stresses
present there. For this reason the grain-boundary areas will corrode more
quickly than the remainder of the material so that intercrystalline failure
will be accelerated.
This stored potential energy is also the principal driving force of recovery
and recrystallisation during an annealing process.
Annealing and Recrystallisation
4.20 A cold-worked metal is in a state of considerable mechanical stress,
resulting from elastic strains internally balanced. These elastic strains are
due to the jamming of dislocations which occurred during cold defor-
mation. If the cold-worked metal is heated to a sufficiently high tempera-
ture then the total energy available to the distorted regions will make
possible the movement of atoms into positions of equilibrium so that the
elastic strains diminish and the 'locked-up' energy associated with them
'escapes'. Since dislocations will once more be in positions of minimum
energy from which they can be moved relatively easily, tensile strength
and hardness will have fallen to approximately their original values and
the capacity for cold-work will have returned. This form of heat-treatment
is known as annealing, and is made use of when the metal is required for
use in a soft but tough state or, alternatively, when it is to undergo further
cold deformation. Annealing may proceed in three separate stages
depending upon the extent of the required treatment.
4.30 Stage I—The Relief of Stress This occurs at relatively low tem-
peratures at which atoms, none the less, are able to move to positions
nearer to equilibrium in the crystal lattice. Such small movements reduce
local strain and therefore the mechanical stress associated with it, without,
however, producing any visible alteration in the distorted shape of the
cold-worked crystals. Moreover, hardness and tensile strength will remain
at the high value produced by cold-work, and may even increase as shown
in the curve for cold-worked 70-30 brass (Fig. 4.14). It is found that a
controlled low-temperature anneal at, say, 250
C applied to hard-drawn
70-30 brass tube will effectively reduce its tendency to 'season-crack'
(16.33) without reducing strength or hardness.