862 22. Preparation of Liposome Conjugates and Derivatives
Once the desired mixture of lipid components is dissolved and homogenized in organic sol-
vent, one of several techniques may be used to disperse the liposomes in aqueous solution. These
methods may be broadly classifi ed as (1) mechanical dispersion, (2) detergent-assisted solubiliza-
tion, and (3) solvent-mediated dispersion.
Probably the most popular option is mechanical dispersion, simply because the greatest
number of methods that utilize it have been developed. When using mechanical means to form
vesicles, the lipid solution fi rst is dried to remove all traces of organic solvent prior to dis-
persion in an aqueous media. The dispersion process is the key to producing liposomal mem-
branes of the correct morphology. This method uses mechanical energy to break up large lipid
agglomerates into smaller vesicles having the optimal size and shape characteristics necessary
for encapsulation or bioconjugation.
Mechanical dispersion methods involve adding an aqueous solution (which may contain
substances to be encapsulated) to the dried, homogeneous lipid mixture and manipulating it to
effect dispersion. Major methods of mechanical dispersion include simple shaking (Bangham
et al., 1965), non-shaken aqueous contact (Reeves and Dowben, 1969), high-pressure emulsi-
fi cation (Mayhew et al., 1984), sonication (Huang, 1969), extrusion through small-pore mem-
branes (Szoka et al., 1980), and various freeze–thaw techniques (Pick, 1981). Some devices
are available commercially which automate the mechanical dispersion process, usually by high-
pressure emulsifi cation or sonication (Branson Ultrasonics Corp.).
Most of these methods result in a population of vesicles ranging from SUVs of only 25 nm
diameter to very large MLVs. Classifi cation of the desired liposomal morphology may be
done by chromatographic means using columns of Sepharose 2B or Sepharose 4B, by density-
gradient centrifugation using Ficoll or metrizamide gradients, or by dialysis.
Liposome formation by detergent-assisted solubilization utilizes the amphipathic nature of
detergent molecules to bring more effectively the lipid components into the aqueous phase for
dispersion. The detergent molecules presumably bind and mask the hydrophobic tails of lipids
from the surrounding water molecules. Detergent treatment may take place from a dried lipid
mixture or after formation of small vesicles. Usually, nonionic detergents such as the Triton X
family, alkyl glycosides, or bile salts such as sodium deoxycholate are employed for this pro-
cedure. The immediate structures which form as the detergent molecules solubilize the lipids
from a dried state are small micelles. Upon removal of the detergent from the solution, the lipid
micelles aggregate to create larger liposome structures. Liposomes of up to 1,000 Å containing a
single bilayer may be formed using detergent-assisted methods (Enoch and Strittmatter, 1979).
Unfortunately, some detergent-removal processes also may remove other molecules that were to
be entrapped in the liposomes during formation.
Solvent-mediated dispersion techniques used to create liposomes fi rst involve dissolving the
lipid mixture in an organic solvent to create a homogeneous solution, and then introducing this
solution into an aqueous phase. The solvent may or may not be soluble in the aqueous phase to
effect this process. There also may be components dissolved in the aqueous phase to be encap-
sulated in the developing liposomes.
Perhaps the simplest solvent dispersion method is that developed by Batzri and Korn (1973).
Phospholipids and other lipids to be a part of the liposomal membrane are fi rst dissolved in
ethanol. This ethanolic solution then is rapidly injected into an aqueous solution of 0.16 M KCl
using a syringe, resulting in a maximum concentration of no more than 7.5 percent ethanol.
Using this method, single bilayer liposomes of about 25 nm diameter can be created that are