The importance of the sum of the deviations equaling zero is that this makes the
mean the score that, literally, everyone in the sample scored around, with scores above
or below it to the same extent. Therefore, we think of the mean as the typical score be-
cause it more or less describes everyone’s score, with the same amounts of more and
less. This is why the mean is such a useful tool for summarizing a distribution. It is also
why we use the mean when we are predicting any individual scores.
Using the Mean to Predict Scores
Recall that a goal of behavioral science is to predict a behavior in a particular situation.
This translates into predicting the scores found in that situation. When we don’t know
anything else, the mean is our best prediction about the score that any individual ob-
tains. Because it is the central, typical score, we act as if all the scores were the mean
score, and so we predict that score every time. This is why, if the class average on an
exam is 80, you would predict that each student’s grade is 80. Further, for any students
who were absent, you’d predict that they will score an 80 as well. Likewise, if your
friend has a B average in college, you would predict that he or she received a B in every
course. For any future course, you’d also predict a B.
However, not every score in a sample will equal the mean, so our predictions will
sometimes be wrong. To measure the amount of our error when predicting unknown
scores, we measure how well we can predict the known scores in our data. The amount
of error in any single prediction is the difference between what someone actually gets
and what we predict he or she gets . In symbols, this difference is . We’ve
seen that this is called a deviation, but alter your perspective here: In this context, a de-
viation is the amount of error we have when we predict the mean as someone’s score.
REMEMBER When we use the mean to predict scores, a deviation
indicates our error: the difference between the we predict for someone and
the that he or she actually gets.
If we determine the amount of error in every prediction, our total error is equal to the
sum of the deviations. As we’ve seen, in any data the sum of the deviations is always
zero. Thus, by predicting the mean score every time, the errors in our predictions will,
over the long run, cancel out to equal zero. For example, the test scores 70, 75, 85, and
90 have a of 80. One student scored the 70, but we would predict he scored 80, so we
would be wrong by . But, another student scored the 90; by predicting an 80 for
her, we would be off by In the same way, our errors for the sample will cancel out
so that the total error is zero. Likewise, we assume that other participants will behave
similarly to those in our sample, so that using the mean to predict any unknown scores
should also result in a total error of zero.
If we predict any score other than the mean, the total error will be greater than zero.
A total error of zero means that, over the long run, we overestimate by the same amount
that we underestimate. A basic rule of statistics is that if we can’t perfectly describe
every score, then the next best thing is to have our errors balance out. There is an old
joke about two statisticians shooting at a target. One hits 1 foot to the left of the target,
and the other hits 1 foot to the right. “Congratulations,” one says. “We got it!” Like-
wise, if we cannot perfectly describe every score, then we want our errors—our over-
and underestimates—to balance out to zero. Only the mean provides this capability.
Of course, although our total error will equal zero, any individual prediction may be
very wrong. Later chapters will discuss how to reduce these errors. For now, however,
1X 2 X2
X 2 X1X21X2
Deviations Around the Mean 71