702 P.W. Hawkes
Since the cardinal elements are different in the two planes, the planes
conjugate to a given object plane will not, in general, coincide. The
system is astigmatic and if we operate two quadrupoles in tandem, the
“object” of the second member will be astigmatic. Clearly, if we require
quadrupoles to produce a stigmatic image of an object, we must use
quadrupole multiplets and must somehow arrange that the cardinal
elements of the multiplet are the same in the two planes. One multiplet
confi guration is of particular importance. It can be shown by symme-
try arguments that if the multiplet is geometrically symmetric and
electrically antisymmetric about its center plane, the focal lengths in
the x–z and y–z planes will be equal. It is then only necessary to satisfy
one condition (coincidence of the focal planes) to render the multiplet
stigmatic. Quadruplets with this property have been extensively
studied and are known as Russian Quadruplets, since their properties
were fi rst investigated by Dymnikov and Yavor (1963) in the Ioffe
Institute in Saint Petersburg (Figure 10–2).
The aberrations of quadrupoles are more numerous than in the case
of round lenses but they fall into the same categories: aperture aberra-
tions (the analogues of the spherical aberration), comas, astigmatisms,
and fi eld curvatures and distortions. Here we consider only the aper-
ture aberrations, since they will be exploited in aberration correctors.
At this point, we note that octopoles, which have eight electrodes or
magnetic poles, also have quadrupole symmetry and should hence be
included in the formalism for the aberrations. They have no linear
effect and hence have no effect on the paraxial behavior.
Our interest here is exclusively with aberration correctors, and we
therefore assume that any multiplets of quadrupoles and octopoles are
stigmatic and that the magnifi cations in the two planes are likewise
equal M
= M
). In these circumstances, the additional terms arising
from the aperture aberrations take the following form:
xCx Cy
yCx Cy
xy y
oo o
oo o
The other multipoles used for aberration correction are sextupoles
(also known as hexapoles). Like octopoles, they have no linear
Figure 10–2. The “Russian” quadruplet. The excitations of the fi rst and last
quadrupoles are equal and opposite, as are those of the second and third
quadrupoles. The quadrupoles are disposed symmetrically about the center