Chapter 10 Aberration Correction 713
corrector.) An important step forward was the introduction of the
Russian quadruplet, which has geometric symmetry and electrical
antisymmetry about its mid-plane, as we have already mentioned. In
common with all multiplets possessing these symmetry properties,
such quadruplets have the same focal length in the x–z and y–z planes.
For a given geometry, the positions of the foci in these planes can then
be made to coincide by suitable choice of the two excitations, where-
upon the quadruplet has the same overall paraxial behavior as a round
lens. Sets of load curves, showing the appropriate excitations as a func-
tion of geometry, are available (see Hawkes, 1970, for many such curves
and Baranova and Yavor, 1989). Another interesting early contribution
was made by Burfoot (1953), who sought the (electrostatic) confi gura-
tion with the smallest number of electrodes that would be free of
spherical aberration. He established suitably shaped apertures in a
three-electrode lens (a remarkable achievement in precomputer times)
but concluded that the necessary tolerances could not be achieved in
practice; a simpler way of attaining the same objective was proposed
by Archard (1958).
In 1964, Deltrap showed that the spherical aberration of a test lens
could be reduced by means of a quadrupole–octopole corrector and
thus confi rmed that the principle of correction was sound. However,
for the next three decades, all attempts to make a corrector capable of
improving the performance of a well-designed objective failed; with
hindsight, we can see that these repeated and disappointing failures
were due to the natural complexity of the system and to the unstable
character of the correction principle mentioned above. Considerable
progress was made, notably in the Darmstadt project (Reichenbach and
Rose, 1968/9; Rose, 1970, 1971a,b; Bastian et al., 1971; Pöhner 1976, 1977;
Bernhard and Koops, 1977; Koops et al., 1977; Koops, 1978, 1978/9;
Koops and Bernhard, 1978, Pejas, 1978; Kuck, 1979; Bernhard, 1980; and
Fey, 1980; see Scherzer, 1978 for a summing up) and in the Chicago
microscope (Crewe et al., 1968; Thomson, 1972; Beck and Crewe, 1974,
1976; Beck, 1977; Crewe, 1978), but neither succeeded in showing any
real gain in electron microscope resolution. The tools necessary for the
adjustment of such devices were not yet available. In the early 1990s,
Zach showed that such correctors could improve the performance of
scanning electron microscopes and this fi nding continues to be
exploited in commercial instruments (Zach, 1989, 2000; Zach and
Haider, 1995a,b; Honda et al., 2004a,b; Kazumori et al., 2004a,b; Uno
et al., 2004a,b). Success came at last in 1997, when Krivanek and col-
leagues, working in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, built a
corrector equipped with computer control, capable of making the many
necessary adjustments rapidly and systematically. This corrector was
fi tted to a STEM and was hence required to reduce the size of an elec-
tron probe (or to allow the angular aperture and hence the probe
current to be increased). The Krivanek corrector consists of the basic
quadrupoles and octopoles, all under computer control, together with
other multipole fi elds designed to compensate for misalignments
and parasitic aberrations in general. In the second-generation Nion
corrector, 16 quadrupoles are used together with three combined