Chapter 10 Aberration Correction 715
conjugates and are also conjugate to a plane close to the coma-free
plane of the probe-forming lens. In this way, the fi fth-order geometric
aberrations of the combination of corrector and probe-forming lens can
be eliminated. Software will adjust the various components systemati-
cally. The evolution of the corrector, which has been fi tted to many VG
STEMs, to the two SuperSTEMs at Daresbury, and to the Nion STEM,
can be studied in the following publications: Krivanek et al. (1997a,b,
1998, 1999a,b, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004), Dellby et al. (2000, 2001),
Batson et al. (2002), Batson (2003), Lupini et al. (2003), Pennycook et al.
(2003), Nellist et al. (2004a,b), Dellby et al. (2005), Bacon et al. (2005),
Krivanek et al. (2005), and Nellist et al. (2006). Figure 10–6b shows
schematically the Nion corrector incorporated in a STEM. The quadru-
pole–octopole corrector designed for an FEI STEM/TEM is described
by Mentink et al. (2004).
3.2.2 Sextupole Correctors
Sextupoles were not among the correctors envisaged by Scherzer in his
1947 paper. In 1965, it was pointed out that the third-order aberrations,
including of course the spherical aberration, of sextupoles have the
same dependence on gradient in the object plane as that of a round lens
(Hawkes, 1965a). However, the fact that the lowest order optical effect
of sextupoles is not linear, as it is in round lenses and quadrupoles, but
quadratic seemed to rule out any hope of using them for aberration
correction. It was not until 1979 that combinations of sextupoles and
round lenses from which the quadratic effects had been eliminated by
compensation were proposed and subsequent developments have con-
fi rmed that such correctors are suitable for incorporation into transmis-
sion electron microscopes. As we have seen, the second-order effect of
a sextupole is characterized by four terms of the form ∫H(z)h
dz, in
which H(z) represents the fi eld distribution in the (electrostatic or mag-
netic) sextupole and h(z), k(z) are two linearly independent solutions of
the familiar paraxial equation for round lenses (these solutions collapse
to straight lines in the absence of any round lens component). The
integer n takes the four values 0, 1, 2, and 3. All four terms can be made
to vanish by suitable choice of the symmetry of the confi guration; the
simplest is shown in Figure 10–7. Before coupling such a device to a
microscope objective, we must, however, ensure that the coma-free
condition is satisfi ed. The (isotropic) coma-free plane of an objective is
situated within the lens fi eld and must hence be imaged onto the front
focal plane of the round-lens doublet in the corrector by means of
another doublet (Figure 10–8). If it should be necessary to eliminate the
anisotropic coma as well as the isotropic coma, an objective design in
which two coils are used in tandem would have to be adopted (Rose,
1971b). Sextupole correction may be traced in the following articles (in
addition to the early publications already cited): Haider et al. (1982, 1995,
1998a–c), Rose (1990b, 2002a,b), Haider and Uhlemann (1997), Haider
(1998, 2000, 2003), Foschepoth and Kohl (1998), Uhlemann et al. (1998),
Urban et al. (1999), Müller et al. (2002), Kabius et al. (2002), Lentzen et
al. (2002), Liu et al. (2002), Benner et al. (2003a,b, 2004a,b), Chang et al.
(2003), Hosokawa and Sawada (2003), Hosokawa et al. (2003), Jia et al.