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aligned with the magnetic spin axis and a linear polarization vector
perpendicular to the magnetic spin axis (Ruiper et al., 1993; Alders et
al., 1998; Lüning et al., 2003). In transition metal oxides, such as NiO,
CoO, Fe
, Fe
, LaFeO
, and others, an X-ray magnetic linear dichro-
ism (XMLD) of up to 10% has been observed. Linearly polarized X-rays
probe the angle α between the linear X-ray polarization vector Ε and
the orientation of the magnetization axis A
. The angle and magnetiza-
tion dependence of the XMLD intensity is approximately given by I
∼ (1 − 3 cos
. Here 〈M
is the statistical average of the squared
moment at the temperature T.
5.2 Imaging of Ferromagnetic Domains
A subtle balance of energies in a magnetic material causes the formation
of magnetic domains. Contributions to the total energy are the exchange
energy, the magnetic anisotropy, and the dipolar energy. Dipolar fi elds
are the driving force behind domain creation. Domains minimize the
magnetic stray fi eld leaving the sample and therefore minimize the
dipolar energy. Exchange and anisotropy fi elds resist domain formation
because they usually favor aligned spins. In magnetic thin fi lms inter-
face effects such as interface exchange coupling, interlayer coupling, and
interface anisotropy alter this delicate balance and lead to new magnetic
phases. Transitions between different magnetic phases occur as a func-
tion of fi lm thickness, interlayer thickness, magnetic fi eld, and tempera-
ture, and are extensively studied because of the interesting physics
underlying the often complex phase diagrams. High-resolution mag-
netic imaging is an important tool to study magnetic domains and phase
transitions. X-ray techniques are especially powerful because they allow
us to separate the magnetic state of individual layers in a multilayer,
using element-specifi c imaging. For a review of domain imaging using
X-PEEM see Schneider and Schönhense (2002).
As an example, the in- versus out-of-plane transition of a thin face-
centered cubic (fcc) Fe fi lm on a fi ve-monolayer Ni/Cu(001) substrate
is visualized in Figure 9–20 (Wu et al., 2004). The Ni layer produced
an in-plane exchange fi eld that lowered the critical thickness at which
the Fe spin reorientation occurred to about 2.6 monolayers. The experi-
ments were conducted on an Fe wedge, which was grown under ultra-
high-vacuum (UHV) conditions. The shown images were acquired in
the transition region of in- and out-of-plane magnetization. XMCD
images were obtained by dividing a PEEM image taken at the Fe L
edge by an image taken at the L
edge. Since the magnetic dichroism
has an opposite sign at these edges, the procedure enhanced the mag-
netic contrast and suppressed nonmagnet effects. Below the transition
thickness, stripe domains formed, which had an out-of-plane magne-
tization. Approaching the transition, these domains shrank in size.
Large in-plane domains appeared above the transition thickness. The
experimentally observed thickness dependence of the stripe domain
width could be explained within a theoretical model that took into
account the exchange interaction, the anisotropy, the dipolar fi eld, and
the virtual fi eld created by the Ni layer (Wu et al., 2004).