638 E. Bauer
Refractory metal surfaces have been the most popular subject in LEEM
because of their high melting point and low vapor pressure that allow
experiments over a wide temperature range. W and Mo can be cleaned
easily by heating in oxygen. The chemisorbed oxygen is then fl ashed
off at high temperatures, a procedure that is not successful in Nb and
Ta, in which oxygen goes into solid solution and can be partially
removed only by lengthy sputter and annealing cycles. The imaging
of the step structure on the Mo(110) surface (Figure 8–23) was one of
the fi rst demonstrations of the power of LEEM and step contrast has
been one of the mayor tools in the study of surface processes on clean
surfaces. While W(110) and Mo(110) have been used frequently as sub-
strates for thin fi lms, and to a much lesser extent also W(100) and
W(111), little has usually been published about the clean surface, except
for a brief study of the Mo(110) surface.
Extensive work was done,
however, on epitaxial Mo(110)
and Nb(110)
layers grown
on sapphire (11–20) surfaces at high temperatures, which after proper
cleaning produces surfaces that are comparable in quality to single
crystal surfaces. A complication is the interfacial strain and the disloca-
tions introduced upon cooling and thermal cycling by the different
thermal expansion coeffi cients between fi lm and substrate. Neverthe-
less, pure surface quantities such as the step stiffness could be extracted
from such fi lms. In the case of the Nb(110) fi lms the situation is
complicated by the residual oxygen. This causes reconstruction and
which in themselves are interesting processes and are
useful for the study of extended defects.
Some work on Ta(110) fi lms
was also done.
Noble metal surfaces have also been the subject of several LEEM
studies. For Pt(111) single crystal surfaces step stiffness, step–step
interactions, step free energy,
and bulk-surface vacancy
have been determined. For Pd(111) surfaces the step
has been obtained and sputter erosion processes
been observed. Studies of the island decay on Rh(100) indicated a new
surface diffusion process.
Step fl uctuation spectroscopy of Au(111)
yielded the surface mass diffusion coeffi cient and the orientation-
dependent step stiffness.
Dark-fi eld imaging of the reconstructed
Au(100) surface was used to establish the connection between the
reconstruction domains and the step orientations (Figure 8–34).
On the Ag(111) surface a critical island size for layer-by-layer growth
was found.
From an investigation of the homoepitaxial growth of Cu
on Cu(100) the Ehrlich–Schwoebel barrier, the energy barrier for diffu-
sion across a step, was deduced.
Similar to other fcc(110) surfaces, the
Pb(110) surface reconstructs. A LEEM study of the various reconstruc-
tions, some of them alkali induced, revealed the topography of the
various phases and the infl uence of surface defects on the transitions
between them.
Finally, studies of the surface morphology of the
NiAl(110) surface demonstrated the importance of bulk diffusion for
surface smoothing.
Most experiments on clean surfaces rely on the
6.7 Metal Surfaces
step contrast discussed in Section 5, wh ic h illustrates its usefulness.