Chapter 8 LEEM and SPLEEM 615
a magnetic stigmator (6). The primary image in the center of the beam
separator is imaged with a magnetic intermediate lens (9) and a pro-
jective lens (10) onto the fi nal screen, and the diffraction pattern by
adjusting the focal length of the intermediate lens. The purpose of the
electrostatic fi lter lens (11) was to fi lter out secondary and inelastically
scattered electrons but was later removed because it was found that the
dispersive properties of the magnetic beam separator (1) were suffi cient
to eliminate them from the image. A pair of multichannel plates (12)
enhances the image intensity on the fl uorescent screen (8), allowing
observation and image recording with a video camera (13) at very low
beam currents. Both illumination and imaging columns are equipped
with defl ectors and stigmators, some of which are indicated (16). Emis-
sion microscopy is possible with thermionic emission by heating the
specimen, with photoelectrons generated by a 100-W high-pressure Hg
arc lamp (14) and with secondary electrons using an auxiliary electron
gun (15).
While Figure 8–9 shows the principle of the LEEM system, more
recent instruments differ considerably in detail. For example, a transfer
lens, which transfers the diffraction pattern from the back focal plane
of the objective lens toward the front of the intermediate lens, is now
inserted just behind the beam separator, so that the illuminating beam
does not have to pass through the contrast aperture as in the original
design. The electrostatic triode lens is now replaced by lenses with
better resolution such as the electrostatic tetrode lens, the magnetic
diode lens, or the magnetic triode lens, which will be briefl y discussed
below. The beam separator has been improved in a variety of ways,
such as by close-packed or separated multiple magnetic prisms, con-
centric square or round pole pieces, or a Wien fi lter, resulting in defl ec-
tion angles ranging from 16° to 90° compared to the original 60°. In
addition, energy fi lters have been added to instruments so that they
can also be used for AEEM, low electron energy loss microscopy
(LEELM), energy-fi ltered SEEM, and spectroscopic PEEM.
Before discussing these components of an LEEM instrument, a short
account of the various designs is appropriate. The fi rst major develop-
ment after the original instrument and a similar one
also used a beam
separator with 60° defl ection but with close-packed multiple magnetic
prisms and only magnetic lenses, including the objective lens, a LaB
cathode, and a transfer lens so that the contrast aperture could be
placed behind the beam separator.
The magnetic prism on the
illumination side of the instrument can be excited differently from that
on the exit side so that a higher beam energy is possible than on the
imaging side, which allows AEEM when an energy fi lter is added to
the instrument. The dense packing of the magnetic lenses together
with the shielding of the beam separator and the specimen region
makes the magnetic shielding used in the more open earlier instru-
ments unnecessary. The addition of an energy fi lter allows not only
AEEM but in combination with synchrotron radiation also spectro-
scopic X-ray PEEM.
From this instrument the presently most wide-
spread commercial instrument shown in Figure 8–10 developed later.
The version with energy fi lter, the SPELEEM, which is presently the