628 E. Bauer
8–24a). Detailed model calculations based on Fresnel diffraction from
two adjoining straight edges shifted relative to each other by the step
height produce all salient features of the step contrast.
Here some
results of the general theory of image formation by a typical magnetic
cathode lens will be given.
In the absence of aberrations the refl ection
of slow electrons from a point source would produce an interference
pattern that extends far out from the step. This would make image
interpretation in the presence of several steps diffi cult. The spherical
aberration reduces the range of the interference pattern signifi cantly
and the chromatic aberration reduces it to one intensity maximum next
to the step at energy spreads as low as 0.5 eV. The intensity distribution
around the step depends upon the phase difference between the waves
refl ected from both sides of the step, that is upon the step height and
the wave length, and upon the defocus. This is illustrated in Figure 8–
for two phase shifts ∆ϕ = nπ (n = 0.5, 1) and several defocus values
∆z* = ∆z(C
, where ∆z is the geometric defocus, C
the spherical
aberration constant, and λ the wavelength. ∆z* = 0, 1 corresponds to the
Gaussian image and to the Scherzer focus, respectively. For integer n
the step contrast is symmetric and optimum at ∆z* = 0; for noninteger
n it is asymmetric, with the bright edge changing from one side of
the step to the other when the sign of the defocus changes. Optimum
contrast is achieved for slight defocus.
A third contrast mechanism, the quantum size contrast, is also based
on wave interference, which not necessarily requires crystal periodic-
ity. In a thin fi lm bounded by two parallel surfaces the wave refl ected
from the bottom surface can interfere constructively or destructively
with that refl ected from the top surface similar to a Fabry–Perot inter-
ferometer, depending upon the wavelength λ, the thickness t, and the
phase shifts ϕ upon refl ection at the surfaces (Figure 8–24b). Construc-
tive interference and therefore enhanced refl ect ivity occurs whenever
n(λ/2) + ϕ = t, where n is an integer and λ is the wavelength in the fi lm,
which differs from the vacuum wavelength by the inner potential. As
a consequence, regions with different thickness appear in the image
with different brightness. This was fi rst observed in Cu fi lms on
and has been studied since in detail in several other systems
with the goal to determine the band structure k(E) above the vacuum
Figure 8–24. Conditions for phase contrast in LEEM. (a) Step contrast. (b) Quantum size contrast. The
penetration of the electron wave upon refl ection is indicted.