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resulting reconstructions considerably. Despite this fact, in most cases
collection of suffi cient data is preferred since confi ning the basis set of
the reconstruction can cause artifacts. In cryo-ET there is typically no
a priori information available; furthermore the data are not fully con-
sistent because some features occurring at high tilt angles are not
present in low tilt angles, i.e., the “unit cell is only partially defi ned”
(Hoppe and Hegerl, 1980). Therefore, refi nement techniques are com-
monly not used in cryo-ET, despite unproven claims of resolution
improvement close to the subnanometer regime (Sandin et al., 2004).
To extend the interpretability of tomograms beyond the fi rst zero of
the CTF it would be necessary to correct for the effects of the CTF as
is done in single-particle analysis. Corrections based on exit-wave
reconstruction, which rely on very few projections, have been pro-
posed to extend the achievable resolution of tomograms (Han et al.,
1996). For practical implementation of a CTF correction for tomography
the lateral focus gradient, particularly for high tilt angles, needs to be
incorporated, which make exit-front reconstructions considerably more
complicated. A simpler restoration method, which requires only one
micrograph per tilt and incorporates the lateral focus gradient, has
been realized recently (Winkler and Taylor, 2003). However, this res-
toration method is designed primarily for thin specimens. In cryo-ET,
CTF corrections have not been established yet. This is primarily due
to the fact that the SNR of the individual micrographs is still too low,
particularly because of the poor MTF of the CCD cameras, which pro-
hibits a precise determination of the CTF.
3.5.3 Visualization and Image Analysis
The interpretation of tomograms at the ultrastructural level requires
decomposition of a tomogram into its structural components, e.g., the
segmentation of intracellular membranes or the assignment of organ-
elles. Currently, a manual assignment of features is commonly used
because human anticipation is still superior in most cases to available
segmentation algorithms, although machine-based segmentation is in
principle more objective (Frangakis and Hegerl, 2002; Volkmann, 2002).
Instead of addressing the ultrastructure (Ladinsky et al., 1999), cryo-ET
provides the basis for interpreting tomograms even at the molecular
level. However, the analysis and 3D visualization are hampered by a
very low SNR. To increase the SNR, so-called denoising algorithms
have been developed (reviewed in Frangakis and Foerster, 2004). These
algorithms aim to identify noise and remove it from the tomogram, but
in practice, they also remove a certain fraction of the signal, resulting
in data with reduced information but higher SNR. The simplest denois-
ing techniques used diverse linear fi ltering operations, such as a simple
low-pass fi ltering in Fourier space. Better signal preservation can be
achieved by nonlinear fi ltering algorithms, such as nonlinear anisotro-
pic diffusion (NAD) (Frangakis and Hegerl, 2001; Fernandez and Li,
2003) or bilateral fi ltering (Jiang et al., 2003b). NAD is particularly
useful for the visualization of the ultrastructural features because it
can enhance features such as membranes. In addition, these fi lters
preserve the signal, without major alterations, which is especially suit-