Chapter 7 Cryoelectron Tomography (CET) 565
The second major characteristic of a CCD camera is the sensitivity,
quantitatively expressed in the detection quantum effi ciency (DQE). In
combination with the conversion effi ciency (number of created pixel
electrons per primary electron) the DQE describes the infl uence of
the detector noise on the SNR of a transferred image and is defi ned as
the ratio of the square of the SNR at the output to the same quantity
at the input of the detection device (Herrmann and Krahl, 1982; Fan
and Ellismann, 2000). There are essentially four main sources of noise:
(1) variations in the electron conversion of electrons into photons, (2)
fl uctuations in the generation of electron hole pairs on the chip, (3) dark
current noise, and (4) preamplifi er noise. To reduce the dark current
noise, which mainly stems from the electronics, the whole array is
cooled down to a temperature of −30°C.
Depending on the scintillator material and thickness, the primary
energy of the electrons, and the coupling of the scintillator to the
capacitors the detector will show slightly different characteristics
(Fan and Ellisman, 1996). The scintillator has the key role in the
performance of an image converter since it primarily determines sen-
sitivity, resolution, and noise contribution. Typically, single crystals
(YAG = Y
) or polycrystalline phosphor scintillators
(e.g., P43 = Gd
) are used in commercially available CCDs.
Since high resolution is of major interest in materials science, CCDs
for this purpose are normally equipped with very thin scintillator
coatings to minimize the point spread function and to obtain the best
transfer, especially in the high-frequency domain. On the other hand,
the detection sensitivity and the amplifi cation of the incoming signal
are of minor interest since the specimens are not subject to restricted
illumination conditions. This is in contrast to biological applications,
where low-dose exposure schemes are typically used, demanding a
very high sensitivity of the detection device and thus a somewhat
greater scintillator thickness. The optimum thickness of the scintillator
depends on the application and on the acceleration voltage used. While
the performance for CCDs in the voltage range below 200 kV is satis-
factory, it drops dramatically for intermediate or high acceleration
However, in principle both are needed; the highest sensitivity com-
bined with the maximum transfer of low and high frequencies. But
these two requirements are in confl ict with each other; the higher the
sensitivity, the thicker the scintillator layer, and the greater the pos-
sibility of electron backscattering and multiple light scattering, result-
ing in a severe damping of high-frequency information, especially at
primary energies at and above 300 keV.
Clearly, the ideal detector for cryo-ET has not yet been invented, but
there are possible ways to overcome the shortcomings of “classical”
CCDs, at least to some extent: modifi ed CCDs (Fan et al., 2000), lens-
coupling (Mooney and Krivanek, 1994; Mooney, 2004) instead of fi ber
coupling, “decelerators” in combination with CCDs (Downing et al.,
2000; Downing and Mooney, 2004), and active pixel detectors (APS;
Fan et al., 1998; Faruqi et al., 2003a,b; Evans et al., 2005). In lens-coupled
systems the glass fi ber array, transferring the light without magnifi ca-