536 J.M. Plitzko and W. Baumeister
and alignment procedures, reconstruction algorithms, and especially
on elaborate image processing routines.
Here, we address the advances made in biological EM and especially
in cryo-EM. Biological structures can be, by and large, characterized
as pleiomorphic. Just as every human being has a different face, cells,
proteins, and macromolecular complexes have different shapes and
forms, designed for a higher functional purpose. It is far from random
and instead of addressing them as “amorphic” or “amorphous,” as in
physics for randomly ordered solids, they are called “pleiomorphic” or
“pleiomorph.” Moreover, the inside of a cellular structure resembles
the image of a giant factory, where the single constituents act together,
building highly specifi c molecular machines and, if necessary,
change their purpose (Alberts, 1998). Therefore it is a highly variable
and dynamic environment. Every intrusion into this fragile system can
lead to changes. The suitable preparation for a fi nal characterization
with the EM is a major challenge. And it is likewise a challenge
in terms of the environment inside EMs: an ultrahigh vacuum and
electron radiation.
Despite the fact that biologists were impressed by the resolving
power of the EM, they remained very sceptical about the usefulness of
the EM in structural biology. The major drawback was and still is the
sensitivity to radiation of the biological samples. After a few minutes
exposure to the electron beam the biological substance in question is
literally “incinerated.” However, the present knowledge about the
ultrastructure of cells, viruses, and other biological substances was
accumulated by EM investigations with, at that time, suitable prepara-
tion techniques. Higher vacuum resistance was achieved by dehydra-
tion and water-substitution methods, beam resistance was increased
by staining the samples with heavy metals (Brenner and Horne, 1959),
and, in addition, enhanced contrast and transparency were obtained
by sectioning, e.g., “big” cells in slices about 200 nm thick, with ultra-
microtomes (Porter and Blum, 1953). These preparation techniques
enabled biologists to establish the basis of a common image of the cell’s
interior. Nevertheless, this “image” remained incomplete and was still
at a resolution far above that potentially available with the EM. Addi-
tionally the samples were altered by these preparation methods, thus
complicating and limiting image interpretation. In some instances the
artifacts introduced even misled scientists. Although these preparation
techniques are still used in various ways, but there was an obvious
need for far more reliable and less harmful procedures. In 1981
Dubochet and McDowall introduced a new means of sample preserva-
tion for EM investigations: the cryotechnique. Without doubt, cryo-
preparation is one of if not the greatest development in biological EM.
Instead of replacing the water or dehydrating the whole system, the
biological substance is embedded within its original buffer solution or
simply water by rapidly freezing at very low temperatures, namely the
temperature of liquid nitrogen (∼90 K). This way the water was trans-
ferred into an amorphous state, inhibiting crystallization, and thus
disruption of the cell due to the volume increase of crystalline water.
This plunge-freezing technique revolutionized the fi eld of structural