Chapter 7 Cryoelectron Tomography (CET) 561
3.4.2 Electron Optics
Like regular light microscopes the EM is built up from three major lens
systems: the condenser, the objective, and the projective lenses.
The performance of these electromagnetic lenses almost exclusively
determines the quality of the recorded image. Most important are the
properties of the objective lens system, likewise known from light
microscopy, especially the value of C
, the spherical aberration coeffi -
cient. The objective lens infl uences the transfer of electrons, and
together with the illumination system (FEG or LaB
) and the chosen
focus, is described by the CTF.
The opening in the center of the objective lens system, where the
electron beam passes, affects the magnitude of C
. In simple terms, the
bigger this gap the higher C
, the higher the contrast, but the lower
the resulting resolution. However, the sample holder with the speci-
men is located inside the objective lens system and therefore the gap
dimensions cannot be too small. In particular, to tilt the holder, e.g., for
an angular acquisition, a considerable amount of space is required to
allow tilts to higher angles, or the sample holder has to be designed in
a way to enable tilting even within very small gaps (Fischione Instru-
ments, Inc., Export, PA; Gatan, Inc., Pleasanton, CA). The objective lens
spacing in current EM systems is in the range of a couple of millime-
ters, thus resulting in C
values from 0.7 mm (lowest) up to 6 mm
(highest). For life science applications typically objectives with a C
of ∼2 mm are used, because they offer enough space for tilting the
specimen and at the same time the possibility of recording high-
resolution images.
Ongoing instrumental improvements include, for example, the use
of C
correctors, which, especially in materials science, already revealed
new possibilities and real image improvement (Haider et al., 1998;
Lentzen et al., 2002; Jia et al., 2003; Freitag et al., 2005). However, in
biological EM we have to cope with very weak scatterers and so, for
reasonable image contrast, we have to defocus in the range of a couple
of micrometers even for very thin objects. Since this low-frequency
information is essential for cryo-EM investigations, the advantage of
correction is almost canceled (Plitzko et al., 2005). However, there is
reason to believe that C
correctors might be benefi cial for biological
EM and especially cryo-EM if used in combination with phase plates
(Unwin, 1972; Danev and Nagayama, 2001; Majorovits and Schroeder,
2002; Lentzen, 2004; Marko, 2004).
Another important fact is the change in the direction and angle of
the tilting axis at different magnifi cations due to a rotation of the image
within the electron optics of the microscope. Previously this change
was obvious at every magnifi cation step. It is now partly compensated
by so-called “rotation-free lens series,” which guarantee an almost
“fi xed” (in angle and direction) tilt axis in distinct magnifi cation ranges.
This is crucial, especially in low-dose acquisition schemes, where a fast
transition and reproducible change between states (see Section 3.4.7)
and sample areas at different magnifi cations are necessary, e.g., in
dual-axis experiments to reposition the area of interest after the in-
plane rotation.