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and clearly conditions that are far from natural and extremely
Indeed, the central goal in any EM study is the observation of struc-
tures down to the atomic level. Unlike material science studies, where
the samples remain steady, biological specimens tend to be more
“resistant” to an investigation with the EM. First they are exposed to
ionizing radiation, namely electrons with speeds usually above
200,000 km/s, according to the acceleration voltage used. Second, the
ultrahigh vacuum generates an ambient pressure far below the atmo-
spheric pressure, and thus literally “sucks” out every shred of liquid,
subsequently resulting in the implosion of the biological structure.
Third, they are build up from carbon-based compounds plus elements
with very low atomic numbers like hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen,
and minute amounts of other low Z-elements, all very weak scatterers,
in regard to their interaction with electrons, resulting in low-contrast
images. Fourth, if we regard cellular structures of higher organisms,
such as mammalian cells, they can easily reach sizes of tenth of microm-
eters in all three dimensions, and are therefore almost or effectively
impenetrable to the electron beam. Fifth, the secrets of these structures
are hidden in a highly crowded environment, the cytoplasm, where
functional units like proteins, protein complexes, or even molecular
machines are “densely packed,” literally touching each other. This
“molecular crowding” (Ellis, 2001; Ellis and Minton, 2003) makes it
diffi cult to separate them for structural characterization. Sixth and last,
every cell is different, just as every human has a different face. Thus,
single 2D projections will not provide a complete 3D characterization,
and averaging techniques as in the so-called single-particle approach
are therefore impractical. All six of these facts have to be addressed in
any life science study and especially when investigating biological
structures in a close-to-life state, quasi in vivo.
The electron beam represents a form of ionizing radiation that is
harmful to the health of any living organism. Clearly, we cannot
shield the biological substance but we can try to extend its “life-span”
during investigation before structural damage occurs. Researchers in
the past have been ingenious in inventing preparation techniques for
EM studies of biological samples. In the late 1950s staining techniques
were introduced that addressed the fi rst three issues at once (Brenner
and Horne, 1959). Staining with salts from heavy metals (usually
osmium or uranium salts) envelopes the structure of interest and after
insertion into the EM the negative imprint of the structure can be
observed. Moreover, it increases the contrast dramatically, according
to the high atomic numbers of the metals used. However, the biologi-
cal structure desiccates in the vacuum environment of the microscope
and illumination by the electron beam literally incinerates whatever
is left of the biological substance, leaving behind the imprint of the
structure outlined by the staining substance. Staining and dehumidi-
fi cation alter the structure and, because of the nanocrystalline nature
of the staining salts, limit the resolution, in the best cases, to approxi-
mately 2 nm. The major advantage of this technique is its simplicity
(no special instrumentation is required), its speed, and the fact that