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occurs, for example in semiconductors (e.g., Jencic et al., 1995). It may
be seen at voltages below those required to create point defects, and
may be caused by the formation of dangling bonds at the crystalline/
amorphous interface. Other beam effects include phase separation and
the formation of non-equilibrium phases (Section 2). For example, in
borosilicate glasses, which have applications in nuclear waste storage,
B-rich phases separate under the beam (K. Sun et al., 2005).
Beam-induced growth processes have interesting applications in
nanofabrication. Apart from the beam-induced deposition described in
Section 8.1.1, nanostructures can be built by defect generation in suit-
able substrates (see Section 3.4 for C examples) and wires can be formed
by beam-enhanced surface diffusion (see Section 3.1 for an Au example).
Nanostructured material can also be formed by beam-induced decom-
position. This has been examined particularly in SiO
, where a combi-
nation of sputtering and desorption produces Si rich regions (Fujita et
al., 1996; Chen et al., 1998; Du et al., 2003; Furuya et al., 2003). Beam-
induced decomposition occurs in many materials (Al
, MgO, AlF,
etc.) and may proceed from either or both surfaces. Several processes
are active, including interactions with the atmosphere, changes in
surface diffusion (Mera et al., 2003) and surface roughening (Grozea et
al., 1997). If the beam is fi nely focused, such as in a STEM, hole drilling
may occur (e.g., Berger et al., 1987; Walsh, 1989; Kizuka and Tanaka,
1997a, b), another possible method of fabricating nanostructures.
8.1.4 Radiation-Enhanced Dislocation Motion
In many materials, the electron beam infl uences dislocation motion.
Radiation-enhanced dislocation glide during heating or straining has
been studied quantitatively by recording the motion of individual dis-
locations (Figure 6–39). Such measurements suggest a mechanism
based on an enhancement in the creation rate of kink pairs, due to
energy that is released by nonradiative recombination of electron-hole
pairs at electronic levels associated with dislocations (Levade et al.,
1994; Werner et al., 1995; Yonenaga et al., 1999; Vanderschaeve et al.,
2000, 2001; Maeda et al., 2000). The radiation-enhanced motion of indi-
vidual kinks can actually be observed directly in plan view (Inoue et
al., 1998). A radiation-enhanced climb process can also occur, due to
absorption of interstitials by dislocations (Yonenaga et al., 1998). These
studies are important in interpreting in situ deformation experiments,
but also have a close relationship to the phenomenon of photoplasticity
which is relevant to optoelectronic device degradation.
8.2 Ion Implantation
It is possible to irradiate a sample with ions while simultaneously
imaging or irradiating it with electrons. This area of research requires
complex, expensive instruments with tandem accelerators. However,
because of the importance of the results, such equipment has been
funded by several institutions around the world. A discussion of the
microscopes capable of simultaneous ion and electron irradiation can be
found in Allen and Ryan (1998) and some of the research has been sum-
marized by Ruault et al. (2005). Our understanding of sputtering, ion