Chapter 6 In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy 503
and current densities above 10
are used for accelerated testing,
so in some experiments, on-chip heat sink structures are integrated
into the samples (Prybyla et al., 1998).
These studies show that electromigration-induced voids nucleate
well before complete failure of the lines (Riege et al., 1996), and void
dynamics depend on the local grain boundary structure. The failure
mechanism depends on temperature, since at high temperature voids
unpin from grain boundaries while at lower temperatures they grow
at their nucleation site (Prybyla et al., 1998). Interestingly, when TiN
barrier layers are present, voids do not migrate, presumably due to
changes in surface diffusion (Lau et al., 2000). Even thin oxide fi lms
alter electromigration kinetics. Surface diffusion is in fact the domi-
nant failure mechanism if grain boundary motion is hindered (Vook,
1994; Chang and Vook, 1995).
Since a thick passivation layer may be essential for meaningful
results, in some studies the sample is mounted vertically and imaged
in cross section at high voltage (Okabayashi et al., 1996; H. Mori et al.,
1997). Such experiments show mass transport through Al and TiN
layers, as well as vertical void and whisker growth. The measurement
of local strain by CBED during electromigration (Nucci et al., 2005) is
an exciting recent development that promises to relate these in situ
results more closely to models.
6.2 Electrical Measurements on Individual Nanostructures
The experiments described above, where electrical biasing is applied
to a relatively large volume of the specimen, probe several important
phenomena. At the nanoscale, equally interesting information is pro-
vided by biasing individual nanostructures using STM technology.
Commercial TEM/STM holders are in fact becoming increasingly
common for both electrical and mechanical applications (www.,
As with the mechanical experiments in Sections 5.3.2 and 5.3.3,
carbon nanotubes and Au wires are favored for electrical studies. We
fi rstly discuss CNTs. One can bias a tip on which a tube has been
placed or grown, or equivalently bias the tip and approach a tube on
the substrate. This allows observation of the electric fi eld distribution
at the tip of a biased tube (Cumings et al., 2002), and structural changes
during fi eld emission (Wang et al., 2002b; Kuzumaki et al., 2004; Jin et
al., 2005). The work function of CNTs can be measured and related to
structure (Gao et al., 2001; Bai et al., 2003b; Xu et al., 2005a, b) and CNT
growth can be observed in the gap between a biased tip and the sub-
strate (Yamashita et al., 1999).
If an individual tube is contacted, its conductivity can of course be
measured. Kociak et al. (2002) were even able to correlate the chiral
indices of double walled tubes, measured using diffraction, with their
transport properties (Figure 6–33). Conductivity measurements show
that CNTs are ballistic conductors at room temperature (Poncharal
et al., 2002), and that the telescoping multiwalled CNTs mentioned in
Section 5.3.3 behave as near-ideal rheostats (Cumings and Zettl, 2004).