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point of an image (see Section 8.2). This information on the sample
thickness is valuable for the determination of the volume of the sample
under analysis (hence the volume fraction of particular phases or
defects), or to determine whether the changes in thickness affect the
apparent intensity of elemental maps. The thickness information is also
useful to verify whether the thickness of the sample is beyond the
critical thickness at which accurate extraction and quantifi cation can
be carried out (Section 4.2.4). Finally, the thickness information, if
combined with EDXS maps, can lead to fully quantitative X-ray maps
accounting for X-ray and absorption corrections.
As in the case of EDXS imaging, elemental maps can also be com-
bined to retrieve fully quantitative concentration maps and deduce
phase analysis histograms using experimental k-factors or cross sec-
tions (Hofer et al., 1997; Kothleitner and Hofer, 2003). The advantage
of concentration maps is, as in the case of EDXS mapping, the fact that
within a range of relative thickness t/λ < 0.5, images are independent
of thickness as discussed in Section 4.2.4. Diffraction effects due to
elastic scattering of electrons outside the objective aperture can also
lead to apparent variations in the intensity of elemental maps and can
be canceled out using the jump-ratio imaging technique. Concentration
maps based on the single scattering distribution of energy losses
obtained after deconvolution of the full spectrum at each pixel show
that reliable quantitative images can be obtained for thickness up to
t/λ ≅ 2 (Thomas and Midgley, 2001a).
Another useful technique demonstrating the removal of diffraction
effects is the use of the rocking beam method during the acquisition
of energy-fi ltered images. In this approach, the incident electron beam
is tilted over a cone of angles (of the order of the Bragg angle) so as to
average out the local diffraction effects including deviations of the
scattering due to dislocations. Energy-fi ltered images with little dif-
fraction contrast can thus be obtained even in bent and highly deformed
samples (Hofer and Warbichler, 1996; Hofer et al., 2000) (Figure 4–83).
Removal of diffraction contrast for qualitative imaging and visualiza-
tion of precipitates in highly deformed samples has also been demon-
strated using ratios of plasmon images obtained at different energies
(Carpenter, 2004).
Various aspects of optimization of signals for EFTEM and STEM-
EELS maps, including the position of energy windows, automatic
detection of edges, illumination conditions, and magnifi cation, are dis-
cussed in the work of Kothleitner and Hofer (1998, 2003), Grogger
et al. (2003), Berger and Kohl (1992, 1993), and Berger et al. (1994).
Through image analysis of the quantitative maps, it is also possible to
segment images based on the composition and relative fraction of ele-
ments (Hofer et al., 1997, 2000). Algorithms to allow automatic detec-
tion of edges, for quantitative analysis of phase distributions, for the
determination of thresholds for phase detection and problematic zones
in the samples have also been developed with the use of full spectra
recorded in STEM mode (Kothleitner and Hofer, 2003). Corrections of
drifts in EFTEM images for quantitative analysis have been discussed
in detail in Schaffer et al. (2004).