390 G. Botton
The calculations based on Eq. (86) with density of states determined
by fi rst principle methods assume an infi nite lifetime of the excited
state. To account for more realistic conditions where the decay occurs
via deexcitation processes, a fi nite lifetime must be considered. This
can be achieved artifi cially by broadening the δ function with a Lorent-
zian distribution to account for the fi nite lifetime of the excited state,
the lifetime of the core state, as well as the instrumental function
accounting for the energy spread of the incident electrons and the reso-
lution of the spectrometer.
The derivation of Eqs. (83)–(86) has been described here very briefl y
and we refer the interested reader to the work of Fink (1992), Vveden-
sky (1992), Saldin (1987), and Schattschneider and Jouffrey (1995) and
more recently a review by Paxton (2005) for further details. It is impor-
tant to mention, however, some of the limitations of this description to
give an idea of what can be expected from fi rst principle calculations.
First, the one electron derivation of the transition probability is based
on the “single particle” approach. This simplifi cation assumes that the
excited state (where there is a hole in the core state and an ejected
electron) can be represented by ground state wavefunctions (no excita-
tion effects are accounted for). This most important approximation can
be improved on, in principle, by considering the fi nal state rule pro-
posed by von Barth and Grossmann (1982), which considers the elec-
tronic structure of the system in the potential probed by the ejected
electron, i.e., with a core hole in the initial level. In spite of this approxi-
mation, the single particle approach is a fi rst useful step in understand-
ing general features in the spectra and in assessing the need for more
refi ned models accounting for the more realistic fi nal state. For many
systems including metallic materials and even some insulators where
the screening of the core hole is effective, this description is successful,
whereas in others, the interactions between the core hole and the
ejected electron signifi cantly modify the ground state electron wave-
functions of the solid.
A second limitation is related to the specifi c approaches used to
describe the electronic structure of the solid. The predictions of the
DOS are based on the use of density functional theory and the different
implementations to calculate the electron wavefunctions (for a review,
see Hébert, 2006). For the most part, electronic structure calculations
for solids have focused on the description of occupied states and low-
lying unoccupied states. This presents a limitation for the calculations
of energy loss spectra that probe unoccupied states 10–30 eV above the
threshold (and thus above the Fermi energy). To simplify the computa-
tion, linear band structure methods are often used (such as linear
muffi n tin orbital methods and linear augmented plane wave), only a
limited energy range will be reproduced (5–20 eV from the edge thresh-
old). Alternatives to these techniques are the multiple scattering-based
techniques such as the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker method [(used for
transition metal edges (Botton et al., 1997)], the real space multiple
scattering technique (Ankudinov et al., 1998), and the pseudopotential
technique based on the use of plane waves that has produced impres-
sive results at about 40–50 eV above the threshold in diamond (Pickard
and Payne, 1997).