416 W.E. King et al.
2.3 Materials for Photoelectron Guns
The ideal photo cathode should (1) be able to produce high current
densities of about 1 kA/cm
, (2) be resistant to residual gases in a high
vacuum (oxygen, water, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and carbon
dioxide), (3) be tolerant to ion bombardment and thermal spikes due
to arcing. and (4) exhibit a low work function to relax requirements on
the driving photons.
To shift the negative space-charge-induced saturation of the electron
emission to higher current densities, the accelerating electric
fi eld should be as high as possible. This increases the chance for an
electric breakdown between the cathode and the accelerating anode.
An ion bombardment of the cathode results until the charge of the
capacitance between the cathode (usually at high negative potential)
and ground is exhausted. The ions are produced by ionization of evap-
orated anode material and desorbed/disintegrated layers (oxides,
hydrocarbons, water, air molecules) covering all surfaces in an ordi-
nary high vacuum system. If the capacitance between cathode and
ground is not small enough a high current arc can develop between
cathode and anode. The energy of the impinging ion pulse is large
enough to sputter and heat the cathode substantially. A weak but con-
tinuous ion bombardment derives from electron beam-induced ioniza-
tion of the residual gas. The sputtering and chemical reaction caused
by these ions are negligible, when the cathode is operated in ultrahigh
Materials suitable for photocathodes can be divided in semiconduct-
ing and metallic photoelectron emitters in view of their band structure
and associated current limitation.
2.3.1 Semiconducting Emitters
In semiconducting emitters valence electrons are photoexcited into the
conduction band. If the energy of the photons exceeds the sum of band
gap and electron affi nity, some excited electrons tunnel through the
surface potential barrier and escape to the vacuum. The rest are trapped
in surface states, increasing the surface barrier. Fortunately, they are
neutralized by thermionic and tunneling holes from the valence band,
which restore the equilibrium surface barrier. However, if the photo-
cathode is driven with nanosecond and shorter light pulses of high
intensity, the number of excited electrons that are trapped can become
too large to be compensated by the restoring hole currents. The surface
barrier is then increased, and the extractable charge saturates at a value
lower than the space charge limit. This surface charge limit effect is a
characteristic of nonmetallic emitters.
Cesium-based antimonides, such as Cs
Sb and K
CsSb, are among
the materials with low work function (about 2 eV).
But they are
extremely sensitive to contamination, thermal spikes, and ion bom-
bardment. For a higher work function, about 3.5 eV, there are materials
that are much more resistant to contamination by residual gases such
as Cs
Te and GaAs-based emitters.
Their thermal stability is poor,
however. Providing heavily p-doped GaAs or other III–V semiconduc-
tors with Cs-suboxide surface layers produces materials with a nega-