432 W.E. King et al.
fusion of damaged molecules (e.g., free radicals) might explain the
effect. Siangchaew et al.
also observed a substantial increase in the
damage threshold of polyethylene using a small electron probe. They
speculate that the increase in damage threshold is due to fast second-
ary electrons (of energy >50 eV) exiting the 100-nm-diameter probe
region. These electrons create damage collateral to the probe region,
but leave the probe region relatively pristine. Egerton et al.
with this interpretation, asserting that (for polyethylene) the number,
range, and energy of fast secondary electrons (FSEs) should result in
75% of the FSE energy being deposited within 2 nm of the probe beam.
Slow electrons have longer mean free paths and may exit a small probe
but it is not known how damaging these low-velocity elec-
trons would be to organic samples.
Diffusion also plays a primary role in radiolysis damage. In an
aqueous environment, radiolysis damage is complex and involves
many disparate processes. The physical excitation of secondary elec-
trons through inelastic scattering is followed by electron thermaliza-
tion and diffusional transport, and trapping occurring over a time
scale on the order of 1 ps, along with the initial generation of radicals.
This is followed by equilibrium with nuclei, which occurs in a few
picoseconds. At longer time scales, chemistry begins to occur. Ioniza-
tion and energy deposition in the fi rst stage result in a transient dis-
tribution of radicals and other species (including H
, OH, e
, and H
in water), which then diffuse and react with solutes and each other,
reaching a homogeneous chemistry limit within micro- to millisec-
With respect to solute interactions, pulse radiolysis studies
indicate that the primary damage mechanism in DNA is attack by
radiation-created hydroxyl radicals
and based on simulations, the
time scale of this process is thought to be hundreds of femtoseconds,
assuming low deposited energy density.
These data seem to indicate that the time scale for image manifested
damage of a biomolecule in aqueous solution would be no faster than
a few picoseconds, possibly much longer. Nonetheless, these data do
not directly address the question. Although pulse radiolysis studies
have provided a signifi cant amount of information,
this information
generally concerns the time domain behavior of irradiated water (cf.
time domain spectroscopy) and stoichiometric chemistry. Such data
and corroborating simulations
can be used to aid in the understand-
ing of the diffusion of energy and radiolytic species in water, but ulti-
mately they do not tell us about structural damage in solutes,
particularly within a few picosecond time scale. More specifi c experi-
mental studies of biomolecules such as DNA address damage, but
again, this typically provides information regarding the chemistry of
damage (typically via radiation-induced radicals) and the functional
viability of irradiated molecules without reference to detailed
Furthermore, the energy deposition used in pulse radi-
olysis studies is much lower (∼10 Gr)
than what is used in TEM
and the excitation volume in TEM is correspondingly much
smaller. As a result, transport and relaxation of secondary electrons
and high-dose rate effects
will probably play a signifi cant role in the