Chapter 6 In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy 461
2.3.2 Phase Transformations and Sintering in
Free-Standing Nanoparticles
Isolated nanoparticles are often used as catalysts, and this has gener-
ated interest in understanding the factors determining their shape,
phase stability, and sintering. For precipitates, we have seen properties
quite different from the bulk material. Similar results are found for
free-standing nanostructures when studied in situ.
The earliest in situ studies of free-standing particles demonstrated
the dynamic nature of the atomic arrangement (Smith et al., 1986; Iijima
and Ichihashi, 1986), and the large fraction of atoms on or near the
surface indeed leads to unusual behavior. TEM has shown that phase
transformations in free-standing particles are different from those in
bulk, for example in observations of size-dependent melting (Howe,
1997) and changes in phase stability (Chatterjee et al., 2004). In this
context, binary systems such as Au-Sn, Pb-Sn, Bi-Sn, and In-Sn have
been extensively studied. For this, a two-source evaporator is used to
form mixed composition clusters in situ (Figure 6–9). The binary phase
diagram is found to depend strongly on size, with changes in the
eutectic temperature (Yasuda et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2002a). Melting
behavior, phase separation, and mixing also depend on the composi-
tion and size (Yasuda et al., 2000, Lee and Mori, 2004a, b). These effects
refl ect a change in solubility or the relatively high cost of forming
phase boundaries.
Unusual structures may occur in certain free-standing particles on
melting. In Al-Si, a solid Al particle inside a molten Al-Si sphere can
form, moving with fractional Brownian motion (Yokota et al., 2004). In
GaSb, particles decompose into a crystalline Sb core surrounded by
liquid Ga (Yasuda et al., 2004). Stress may also play an important role
in particle reactions. Metals encapsulated within multiwalled carbon
onions have changed melting points due to the pressure (Banhart et
al., 2003; Schaper et al., 2005), and the metal can even migrate through
the graphitic covering (Schaper et al., 2005). When there is a solid oxide
layer covering a nanoparticle, stress relief can cause cracking (Storaska
and Howe, 2004).
Sintering of free-standing particles is particularly important in mate-
rials processing and has been examined in situ. Ceramic particles such
as SiN can be made to sinter in a conventional microscope provided
that a very high temperature stage is used (Kamino et al., 1995). For
metals, of course, the surface oxide strongly infl uences sintering. For
example, the degree of sintering of Fe and Nb nanoparticles on mem-
branes, prepared ex situ but observed at high resolution during anneal-
ing in high vacuum (Vystavel et al., 2003a, b), was found to depend on
surface oxidation. To solve this problem, an integrated system may be
used, where particles are created and imaged in the same high vacuum.
Yeadon et al. (1997) connected a sputtering chamber to a UHV TEM to
carry out successful studies of metal sintering. Sintering of Cu on Cu
foils proceeded by neck growth and grain boundary motion, whereas
Co particles on Cu and Ag foils “burrowed” beneath the surface
to minimize surface energy (Zimmermann et al., 1999). Sintering of
metal particles on oxide substrates in a controlled environment is of