Chapter 4 Analytical Electron Microscopy 379
direct line of sight to the detector without being absorbed (and causing
fl uorescence) in the sample holder. Sample grids made of Cu (or other
metals such as Ni or Mo) to support continuous, lacey or holey C fi lms
where the sample is distributed (in the form of dispersed particles, repli-
cas, or lift-out focused ion beam samples) generate signifi cant spurious
signals as shown by the presence of peaks of the grid material even if the
electrons are not directly illuminating the grid. Recently, diamond grids
have been developed to minimize these contributions when these prob-
lems affect the analysis. In many cases, the selection of the grid material
can be made judiciously to avoid quantifi cation problems given the com-
mercial availability of several grid materials.
Based on these instrumental considerations, the overall quality of
the microscope analytical performance can be evaluated with measure-
ments of the “hole-count” signals. By measuring the signal generated
when the electron beam is directed into the hole of the sample, contri-
butions from the grid, the microscope chamber, and holder can poten-
tially be observed (and identifi ed from the element present) and should
be, in a good analytical TEM, less than 1% of the signal generated on
the sample. Quantitative evaluation of the performance can be carried
out using standard samples of Cr (100 nm thick) and NiO and well-
defi ned tests based on P/B ratios (Williams and Carter, 1996; Egerton
and Cheng, 1994). Overall, low instrumental contributions lead to
lower peak-to-background values and improved detection limits. Well-
designed analytical microscopes (Section 2.3.6) and the use of analyti-
cal conditions (correct analytical apertures, sample geometry, tilt) lead
to signifi cantly improved detection limits.
7.3 EELS Detection Limits
The basic statistical principle for detection of signals used in EDXS (the
Rose criterion) is also applicable in the case of EELS. The empirical
approach to estimate the detection limit based on experiments and
known standards is the same as in EDXS but with additional complica-
tions due to the determination of the noise component arising from the
extrapolation of the background rather than the simple interpolation.
The noise, and thus the SNR, cannot be determined based on the
simple variance of the number of counts at a given energy loss. The
noise must be estimated directly from a detailed statistical analysis of
the spectra and the errors related to the determination of the extrapola-
tion parameters (Trebbia, 1988) or simpler approximations of the
extrapolation error based on the width of the fi tting and extrapolation
windows (Egerton, 1996).
From fi rst principles, it is possible to estimate the detection limits
accounting for these statistical effects and physical principles as
described in detail by Egerton (1996) and Egerton and Leapman (1995).
The variance of the signal must take into account the error due to the
extrapolation of the background under the edge and the introduction of
noise related to the detective quantum effi ciency (DQE) of the spectrom-
eter. The DQE is defi ned (Krivanek et al., 1987; Egerton, 1996) as SNR
(where the indices “input” and “output” are based on the