348 G. Botton
5 Resolution in Microanalysis
5.1 EDXS Microanalysis
Two contributions determine the spatial resolution in X-ray micro-
analysis. The fi rst contribution arises from the electron beam diameter
and the second from the electron beam broadening generated when
electrons travel in the sample. The early analytical TEMs provided
beam diameters of the order of tens to a hundred nanometers and the
beam broadening within the sample was not a signifi cant issue. Mea-
surements using contamination spots demonstrated that the illumi-
nated area on the top of the sample was essentially the same as the exit
surface of the electron beam (e.g., see Stenton et al., 1981). The situation
changed radically with the development of analytical instruments
equipped with fi eld emission sources capable of achieving probe sizes
in the order of a nanometer or smaller (Section 2.1) whereby the ulti-
mate limits in spatial resolution due to the intrinsic beam broadening
could be probed.
To determine electron beam broadening, we must consider that the
trajectory of the incident beam is controlled by an elastic scattering
process that causes the deviation of the incident electrons as they travel
through the sample. Transport equations (Rez, 1984) and detailed mul-
tislice calculations (e.g., Loan et al., 1988; Mobus and Nufer, 2003;
Voyles and Muller, 2004; Dwyer and Etheridge, 2003; and Section 3.2)
have been developed to describe electron beam propagation [including
the impact of sub-Angstrom beams (Dwyer and Etheridge, 2003)] but
more extensive work has been carried out in the fi eld of AEM using
Monte Carlo simulations that consider the individual trajectories of the
incident electrons, the elastic scattering cross sections that modify the
electron trajectories, and the inelastic scattering that causes the slow-
down of the electrons (Figure 4–63). Monte Carlo approaches are easily
applicable in complex geometries of samples (for example, interfaces
and particles), although they neglect the effect of channeling of elec-
trons in crystal and therefore assume the sample is amorphous or tilted
away from a zone axis. The Monte Carlo technique is based on the
generation of random numbers that are used to calculate the scattering
angles [via equations of the elastic cross sections: Eq. (11)], the path-
length between scattering events [using the elastic mean free path of
Eq. (12)], and the energy loss between the scattering events [using the
stopping power derived from the inelastic cross sections: Eq. (19)].
Electron trajectories simulated with the Monte Carlo method for thin
fi lms show the dependence of beam broadening on the accelerating
voltage (Figure 4–64). The effect of the average atomic number and
sample geometry can also be easily determined. With these simula-
tions, it is possible, in principle, to evaluate the exit area and the volume
containing an arbitrary fraction of electrons that will contribute to the
generation of the X-rays signal and thus the spatial resolution. For
example, the interaction volume containing 90% of scattered electrons
is typically used as a reference in the AEM literature to determine the
resolution, although more stringent criteria [with 95% of the electrons