Chapter 4 Analytical Electron Microscopy 355
broadening to r
(β) ≈ β∆f. Once again, two cases can be distinguished:
∆f = C
) if the image is focused at the primary energy E
and ∆f =
) if the electrons are focused at an energy loss of interest and
an energy selecting slit ∆E wide is used (Egerton, 1996).
The broadening due to aberrations is a signifi cant contribution that
cannot be reduced in current instrumentation, although work is in
progress to develop chromatic aberration correctors that would signifi -
cantly impact the ultimate resolution in energy-fi ltered imaging. Thus,
at the present time, the ultimate resolution is achieved by limiting the
illuminated area with the electron beam. Current commercial Schottky-
type FEG instruments make it possible to achieve a probe size of about
0.2 nm with typically 10 pA of current (more with a cold fi eld emission
source). Spherical aberration correctors can be used to improve the
probe-forming capability. These instruments have already been devel-
oped and implemented on different platforms by major manufacturers
on both dedicated scanning transmission microscopes and STEM-TEM
instruments yielding sub-Ångstrom probes with 10–20 pA current
or about a few hundred picoamperes for 0.2-nm-diameter probes
[Dellby et al., 2001; Krivanek et al., 2003; Batson et al., 2002; Krivanek
et al., 2003; and Chapter 2 (this volume)]. With such small probes,
however, it becomes increasingly important to be aware of the detailed
electron propagation within the sample as discussed in Section 3.2.
Since the electron propagation process in the sample is the same
irrespective of the microanalysis technique probing various signals,
elastic scattering does affect the broadening of the electron beam not
only in EDXS but also in EELS measurements. The impact of this
broadening on the degradation of the spatial resolution, however, can
be somewhat controlled with the use of a collection aperture that limits
the scattering angles entering the spectrometer. As shown in Figure
4–72a, electrons scattered at high angles (thus away from the forward
direction and the incident probe distribution) can be eliminated with
the use of an angle-limiting collection aperture (either the objective
aperture if the spectra are acquired in image mode or the spectrometer
aperture if the spectra are acquired in diffraction and STEM mode).
Assuming that the elastic scattering distribution is large compared to
the collection angle and that there is no strong Bragg scattering (essen-
tially an amorphous sample) the fraction of electrons contained within
a radius r for a given sample thickness t and collection aperture β can
be estimated geometrically (Figure 4–72b and c). Based on Figure 4–
72b we can estimate this geometric broadening contribution for a par-
allel incident electron beam. For a sample thickness of 100 nm and a
collection angle of 10 mrad, the fraction of electrons contained within
0.5 nm would be 85% and nearly 100% for 1 nm. These contributions
can be small compared to the intrinsic broadening due to the conver-
gence of the electron beam required for STEM imaging and optimal
probe size (in the range from a few millirad to a few tens of millirad
in the case of aberration-corrected STEM instruments (see Section 2.1).
The latter geometric broadening contribution for a 100-nm-thick sample
assuming optimal probe size with 30 mrad convergence in an aberra-
tion corrected STEM would be 3 nm! Although these numbers repre-