Chapter 4 Analytical Electron Microscopy 341
ments of k
factors at different sample thickness. By plotting the k
factors as a function of the intensity of one high-energy X-ray line in
the spectrum and extrapolating the curve to zero intensity, an “absorp-
tion and fl uorescence-free” k
factor can be obtained (Figure 4–55).
This approach is based on the assumption that the high-energy X-ray
line is not strongly absorbed and that its intensity is therefore directly
related to the sample thickness [Eq. (37)]. This method can be used to
determine “zero-thickness” k
factors of standard samples and the
composition of unknown samples following the extrapolation of X-ray
line intensity ratios to zero thickness. Although extremely useful for
the quantifi cation of homogeneous samples, the extrapolation tech-
niques are not suitable for the determination of the composition of
structures where the variations in thickness cause overlap of phases
throughout the analyzed area. For example, when the composition of
precipitates in a thin foil is required, only areas where the precipitates
do not overlap with the matrix can be analyzed.
Various modifi cations to the Horita technique were proposed later
by Van Cappellen (1990) for work on alloys, Eibl (1993) and Van
Cappellen and Doukhan (1994) for work on oxides using the charge
neutrality concept, and in light element analysis demonstrated by
Westwood et al. (1992).
4.2 Quantifi cation in EELS
4.2.1 Quantifi cation Procedures
The atomic cross sections (Section 3) describe the probability of excita-
tion of an atom by a fast incident electron. The energy dependence of
these cross sections provides a basic description of the shape of the
edges (without any solid-state and bonding effects) while the partial
cross section integrated for a given collection angle and energy window
allows the intensity recorded in the spectrum to be related to the inci-
dent beam current and the number of atoms excited by the primary
electron beam. The recorded signal for a particular edge, however, is
superimposed on a large background due to lower energy excitations
(including collective excitations and lower energy ionization edges).
Therefore, even for elements present in the sample in large concentra-
tions, the background can constitute the major contribution to the
Figure 4–55. Extrapolation procedure using
the method proposed by Horita et al. (1987). The
factor is plotted as a function of the inte-
grated number of counts of an X-ray line (not
absorbed in the sample) as an indirect indicator
of the thickness of the sample. Extrapolation to
zero counts leads to the determination of the k
factor of a thin sample. The nonabsorbed X-ray
line must be of suffi ciently high energy and far
from any absorption edge.