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analysis but at the expense of increased drift rate during very long
Removal of the amorphized layer produced by ion milling has become
an increasingly common approach as ever thinner samples are used to
achieve the ultimate spatial resolution in analysis. A combination of
mechanical polishing and low-energy milling has proved excellent for
obtaining very clean samples and minimal amorphous damage. Several
manufacturers offer these new approaches to improve the quality of
the samples. Often these methods make the difference between suc-
cessful work, major scientifi c breakthrough, and plain disaster!
2.6 New Developments in Electron Optics
In recent years, there have been signifi cant developments in electron
optics that have led to a new generation of instruments with much fi ner
probe-forming capabilities making use of aberration correctors (Section
2.1 and this volume, Chapter 2). Although there is emerging literature
making use of these capabilities, particularly with EELS systems (Varela
et al., 2004; Arslan et al., 2005), results on EDXS are very limited at this
moment in the open literature (e.g., Watanabe and Williams, 2005b;
Watanabe et al., 2005). The main advantage of the aberration corrector
of the probe-forming lens for AEM purposes is not the ability to form
smaller probes (although a positive advantage) but rather the signifi -
cant increase in electron beam current for a given spot size (see Figure
4–15). It is exp ec ted t hat the l au nc h of com me rc ial in st r ument s eq uippe d
with such correctors will result in a dramatic improvement in the
analytical performance of new AEMs. There will be new limitations,
however, facing the users as electron beam damage will undoubtedly
be the ultimate barrier in the analysis of most interesting materials.
3 Fundamentals
3.1 Fundamental Processes of Elastic and Inelastic Scattering
The interaction of primary electrons with electrons and nuclei in the
solid results in various scattering processes and the generation of
signals that can be detected in different analysis tools such as the TEM,
the scanning electron microscopes, or surface analysis instruments. We
can subdivide these processes into elastic and inelastic based on the
energy changes of the primary incident electrons following the scat-
tering event. Elastic scattering causes no detectable change in the
energy of the primary electrons within the resolution of the measure-
ment system typically available in the TEM. These processes do not
give rise to “analytical” signals in the strict sense of the term but are
nevertheless very relevant to the understanding of signal generation,
imaging, and all discussions on spatial resolution as they signifi cantly
affect the angular distribution of the incident electrons, their propaga-
tion in the solid, and consequently the spatial spread of these electrons
as they travel through the sample. Elastic scattering is at the basis of
contrast mechanisms in TEM and STEM imaging and can directly